Published December 31, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Humanism as a Philosophical Category and Socio-Cultural Phenomenon in the Society's Life Management

  • 1. National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


Introduction. The urgency of the humanism problem is conditioned by its great influence on the evolution of cultural and historical reality, a significant place in the society’s management, and the urgent need to create favorable conditions for self-preservation of human essence, a stable balance between man and nature, man and society. Purpose and methodsThe purpose of the article is a theoretical analysis of humanism as a philosophical category and socio-cultural phenomenon in the society’s management, which will provide an opportunity to create a reliable methodological base for the construction of a humane society. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical principle of cognition, systemic, historical, cultural approaches to the study of socio-cultural phenomena and processes in society. Results. The essence of humanism as a philosophical category, ideological paradigm and the management phenomenon has been revealed; the anthropological and sociocultural conditions of the humanistic ideas evolution have been investigated and the mental features of the cultural epochs that determine the originality of humanism forms and humanistic management have been revealed; the cultural-historical types of humanism, humanistic management and the potential of their synthesis in the modern world have been determined. Conclusions and discussions. Scientific novelty of the research results is to deepen the understanding of the humanism essence as a philosophical category and sociocultural phenomenon in the management of society’s life, as contradictory unity and mutual struggle of various humanistic opposites in the context of changing civilizational cycles, cultural and civilized differences. The practical significance of the obtained results is manifested in the possibility of their use in the management activity of society, as well as in the addition of scientific theory and philosophy of humanistic management with new provisions on humanism as the basis of modern management system.


Humanism_as_a_Philosophical_Category_and_Socio_Cultural_Phenomenon _in_the_Societys_Life_Management.pdf