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Published September 19, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Chrysis equestris Dahlbom 1854


65. Chrysis equestris Dahlbom, 1854

? Chrysis sexdentata Dahlbom, 1831: 30, nom. praeocc., nec Christ, 1791. Holotype ♀; Sweden: Vestrogothia, Kinnaskog [= Västergötland, Kinnaskog] (lost?). Zetterstedt 1840: 434.

Chrysis Zetterstedti [part.]: Dahlbom 1845: 11, Thomson 1870: 107, Mocsáry 1889: 541, Aurivillius 1911: 12, Frey 1915: 43. Chrysis equestris Dahlbom 1854: 307. Holotype ♀; locality unknown [most likely Sweden] (NRM) (examined). Linsenmaier 1959: 163, Valkeila 1962: 64, Erlandsson 1971: 90, Silfverberg 1981: 61, Nilsson 1986: 86, Vikberg 1986b: 68, Hedström 1987: 156, Nilsson 1991: 82, Linsenmaier 1997: 130, Hellqvist 1999: 10, Söderman & Vikberg 2003: 45, Soon 2004: 21, 46, Karlsson 2008, Johansson 2009, Johansson 2010: 118, Orlovskytė et al. 2010: 148, Paukkunen 2010: 538, Smissen 2010d: 392, Soon & Saarma 2011: 15, Hallin 2012, Rosa & Soon 2012, Dyntaxa 2013.

Chrysis zetterstedti [nec Dahlbom, 1845]: Ehrström 1915: 129, Hellén 1920: 213.

Chrysis fasciata [part.]: Trautmann 1927: 182, Hellén 1935: 8, Balthasar 1954: 237, Haupt 1957: 96.

Chrysis fasciata [nec Olivier, 1790]: Artsdatabanken 2010.

Material examined: * Norway: Recent finds of the species have been made from AK: Oslo (2005 and 2006), and BØ: Ringerike (1997) and Nedre Eiker (2012).

Distribution. Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, * Norway, Sweden.—Westpalearctic: from West Europe to southern Russia (Linsenmaier 1997).

Remarks. This species has often been mixed or synonymized with Chrysis zetterstedti, and records in older literature can be difficult or impossible to assign to either species. Because C. equestris is the more common of the two species in the Nordic and Baltic countries, the old literature references which could refer to either species are listed here under C. equestris. In Sweden, C. equestris is relatively widespread, and the northernmost records are from as far north as Överkalix in Norrbotten province. In Finland it is very rare and classified as regionally extinct in the national red list (Paukkunen 2010). However, it was rediscovered in 2011 after an absence of 50 years, in the southeast part of the country. In Norway, C. equestris has been confused with C. zetterstedti, and it has not been previously reported from that country and is considered data deficient there (Hansen et al. 2010, as C. fasciata).


Published as part of Paukkunen, Juho, Rosa, Paolo, Soon, Villu, Johansson, Niklas & Ødegaard, Frode, 2014, Faunistic review of the cuckoo wasps of Fennoscandia, Denmark and the Baltic countries (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), pp. 1-67 in Zootaxa 3864 (1) on page 45, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3864.1.1,


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  • Dahlbom, A. G. (1854) Hymenoptera Europaea praecipue borealia, formis typicis nonnullis specierum generumve Exoticorum aut Extraneorum propter nexum systematicum associatis, per familias, genera, species et varietates disposita atque descripta. 2. Chrysis in sensu Linnaeano. Friedrich Nicolai, Berlin, xxiv + 412 pp. + 12 pls. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 15890
  • Dahlbom, A. G. (1831) Exercitationes Hymenopterologicae. Monographia Chrysididum Sveciae (Familia Hymenopterorum Octava Latreille). Pars II & III (partim). Londini Gothorum, 14 pp. & 16 pp. [Pars II pp. 19 - 32; Pars III, 33 - 48, Chrysididae 33 - 36]
  • Christ, J. L. (1791) Naturgeschichte, Klassification und Nomenclatur der Insekten vom Bienen, Wespen und Ameisengeschlecht: als der funften Klasse funfte Ordnung des Linneischen Natursystems von den Insekten, Hymenoptera: mit hautigen Flugeln. Hermannischer Buchhandlung, Frankfurt am Main, 535 pp. + 60 pls.
  • Zetterstedt, J. W. (1840) Insecta Lapponica. Lipsiae, 6 + 1140 pp. [Hymenoptera: pp. 315 - 476] http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 8242
  • Dahlbom, A. G. (1845) Dispositio Methodica Specierum Hymenopterorum, secundum Familias Insectorum naturales. Particula secunda. Dissert. Berlingianis, Lund, 20 pp. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.5962 / bhl. title. 66977
  • Thomson, C. G. (1870) Ofversigt af de i Sverige funna arter af Slagtet Chrysis Lin. Opuscula Entomologica, 2, 101 - 108.
  • Mocsary, A. (1889) Monographia Chrysididarum orbis terrarium universi. Musaei Nat. Hungarici Adiuncto, Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae Socio. Typis Societatis Franklinianae, Budapest, 643 pp.
  • Aurivillius, C. (1911) Svensk insektfauna XIII. Hymenoptera. 2. Guldsteklar. Tubulifera. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 32, 1 - 12.
  • Frey, R. (1915) [Meeting report: Chrysis Zetterstedti and C. rutilans new to Finland from Parna.] Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 41, 43.
  • Linsenmaier, W. (1959) Revision der Familie Chrysididae (Hymenoptera) mit besonderer Brucksichtigung der europaischen Spezies. Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 32, 1 - 232.
  • Valkeila, E. (1962) Eraiden lounaissuomalaisten luonnonhistoriallisten maakuntien (V, U, St ja EH) myrkkypistiaiset (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Lounais-Hameen Luonto, 13, 63 - 73.
  • Erlandsson, S. (1971) Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae XIX. Hymenoptera: Aculeata. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 22, 87 - 94.
  • Silfverberg, H. (1981) Additions to the Finnish insect fauna during the years 1976 - 1980. Notulae Entomolgicae, 61, 45 - 61.
  • Nilsson, G. E. (1986) Nya landskapsfynd av gaddsteklar, med en oversikt av de fennoskandiska arterna i familjen Dryinidae. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 107, 85 - 90.
  • Vikberg, V. (1986 b) A checklist of aculeate Hymenoptera of Finland (Hymenoptera, Apocrita Aculeata). Notulae Entomologicae, 66, 65 - 85.
  • Hedstrom, L. (1987) Svenska insektfynd - rapport 3. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 108, 149 - 158.
  • Nilsson, G. E. (1991) The wasp and bee fauna of the Rido archipelago in Lake Malaren, Sweden (Hymenoptera, Aculeata). Entomologisk Tidskrift, 112, 79 - 92.
  • Linsenmaier, W. (1997) Die Goldwespen der Schweiz. Veroffentlichungen aus dem Natur-Museum Luzern, 9, 1 - 139.
  • Hellqvist, S. (1999) Chrysis brevitarsis - nya fynd av sallsynt guldstekel. Natur i Norr, 18, 8 - 10.
  • Soderman, G. & Vikberg, V. (2003 [" 2002 "]) Suomen myrkkypistiaisten luettelo ja levinneisyys. Sahlbergia, 7, 41 - 66.
  • Soon, V. (2004) Eesti kuldherilased (Hymenoptera, Apocrita, Chrysididae). Master's thesis, University of Tartu. 81 pp. Available from: http: // dspace. utlib. ee / dspace / bitstream / handle / 10062 / 1236 / Soon. pdf; jsessionid = 6617 B 92 C 3 E 468623 BC 1 5 CAC 1 E 8 B 95 C 67? sequence = 5 (accessed 1 November 2013)
  • Karlsson, T. (2008) Gaddsteklar i Ostergotland - Inventeringar i sand- och grusmiljoer 2002 - 2007 samt ovriga fynd i Ostergotlands lan. Lansstyrelsen i Ostergotlands lan. Rapport 2008: 9, 36 + 28 pp.
  • Johansson, N. (2009) Skyddsvarda insekter i Ostra Smalands skogsbygder - Jonkopings lan. Lansstyrelsen i Jonkopings lan, Meddelande nr. 2009: 04, 85 + 26 pp.
  • Johansson, N. (2010) Solitara gaddsteklar (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) pa tre torrangsartade lokaler i Ovre Emadalen. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 131, 113 - 130.
  • Orlovskyte, S., Budriene, A. & Budrys, E. (2010) Check-list of cuckoo-wasps (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) of Lithuania. New and rare for Lithuania insect species, 22, 141 - 156.
  • Paukkunen, J. (2010) Stinging wasps. In: Rassi, P., Hyvarinen, E., Juslen, A. & Mannerkoski, I. (Eds.), The 2010 Red List of Finnish Species. Finnish Ministry of Environment & Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, pp. 529 - 544.
  • Smissen, J. van der (2010 d) Beitrag zur Stechimmenfauna Schwedens (Hymenoptera Aculeata). Verhandlungen des Vereins fur Naturwissenschaftliche Heimatforschung zu Hamburg e. V., 43, 389 - 398.
  • Soon, V. & Saarma, U. (2011) Mitochondrial phylogeny of the Chrysis ignita (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae) species group based on simultaneous Bayesian alignment and phylogeny reconstruction. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 60, 13 - 20. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1016 / j. ympev. 2011.04.005
  • Hallin, G. (2012) Gaddsteklar i Orebro lan - 60 ars eget samlande och en sammanstallning av befintlig kunskap. Lansstyrelsen i Orebro lan, Publ. Nr 2012: 39, 73 pp.
  • Rosa, P. & Soon, V. (2012) Fauna Europaea: Chrysididae. In: Mitroiu, M. - D. (Ed.), Fauna Europaea: Hymenoptera, version 2. 5. Available from http: // www. faunaeur. org (accessed 1 November 2013)
  • Dyntaxa (2013) Svensk Taxonomisk Databas - Swedish Taxonomic Database (version 1.1.5059.20729). Available from: http: / / www. dyntaxa. se / (accessed 1 November 2013)
  • Ehrstrom, K. E. (1915) Arsredogorelse for de zoologiska samlingarnas tillvaxt. Meddelanden af Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, 41, 120 - 132.
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  • Trautmann, W. (1927) Die Goldwespen Europas. Uschman, Weimar, 194 pp. + 2 pls.
  • Hellen, W. (1935) Cleptidae & Chrysididae. In: Forsius & Hellen (Eds.), Enumeratio insectorum Fenniae: 1. Symphyta et Aculeata. Hymenoptera. Helsingin hyonteisvaihtoyhdistys, pp. 8.
  • Balthasar, V. (1954) Zlatenky - Chrysidoidea (Rad: Blanokridli - Hymenoptera). Fauna CSR, 3, 1 - 272.
  • Haupt, H. (1957 [" 1956 "]) Die unechten und echten Goldwespen Mitteleuropas (Cleptes et Chrysididae). Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem Staatlichen Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden, 23, 15 - 139.
  • Artsdatabanken (2010) Nasjonal kunnskapskilde for biologisk mangfold [Database of Norway's fauna and flora.] Available from: http: // www. artsportalen. artsdatabanken. no / (accessed 1 November 2013)
  • Hansen, L. O., Lonnve, O. J. & Odegaard, F. (2010) Veps, Hymenoptera. In: Kalas, J. A., Viken, A., Henriksen, S. & Skjelseth, S. (Eds.), The 2010 Norwegian Red List for Species. The Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre, Norway, pp. 331 - 346.