Published October 20, 2021 | Version 1.0
Book chapter Open

IT14-M Ecosistemi marini della Sardegna


The Parent Site consists of two types of aquatic ecosystems: 1. coastal marine ecosystems, i.e. the Gulf of Asinara (IT14-001-A) and the Gulf of Olbia (IT14-002-A). They are respectively localised in the northern and in the north-eastern coast of Sardinia. Different typologies and levels of anthropogenic pressures characterise the two areas (e.g., from protection due to the presence of a National park, to industrial activities and wastewater from urban centres, to agriculture and fisheries, to the tourism). Consequently, they show different environmental scenarios of water quality and environmental concerns; 2. transitional ecosystems, which are three lagoons located along the west-central coast, in the Gulf of Oristano. They are the lagoons of Cabras (IT14-003-A), Santa Giusta (IT14-004-A) and S'Ena Arrubia (IT14-005-A). These research sites are all important wetlands, included in the Ramsar Convention, and identified as IBA (Important Birds Area), SCI (Site of Community Importance) and SPA (Special Protection Areas). The property of the lagoons is of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia. Fisheries and aquaculture are the most important human activities, and also educational and recreational activities are present. The most important environmental issue of these lagoons is eutrophication.



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eLTER PLUS – European long-term ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological systems research infrastructure PLUS 871128
European Commission
eLTER – European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure 654359
European Commission
eLTER PPP – eLTER Preparatory Phase Project 871126
European Commission