Published October 19, 2021 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

AIM aggregated dataset of normal driving behavior at intersections

  • 1. Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt


As part of the Application Platform for Intelligent Mobility (AIM), the traffic situation of an intersection in Braunschweig (Germany) was recorded in order to better understand the behavior of road users. In the project L3pilot, the normal driving behavior at the intersection was analyzed. We focused on kinematic and interaction behaviour of a vehicle (turning left or right, going straight) with oncoming road users (VRU and motorised vehicles) and with lead vehicle. Altogether, 30 days of trajectory data of different months of 2018 and 2019 of the relevant scenarios were analyzed. The datasets include the aggregated parameters in the following scenarios: 

  • Scenario L1: left turning following vehicle from West to North interacting with the lead vehicle from West to North.
  • Scenario L2: left turning vehicle from West to North interacting with oncoming vehicle from East to West.
  • Scenario L3: left turning vehicle from West to North interacting with oncoming bicycle.
  • Scenario R1: right turning following vehicle from East to North interacting with the lead vehicle from East to North.
  • Scenario R2: right turning vehicle from East to North interacting with bicycle from East to West.
  • Scenario S: straight driving following vehicle from East to West interacting with the lead vehicle from East to West.


meta table of car following
col colname unit description
1 id - trial id
2 subscenario - the following vehicle stopped (stop) or not (non-stop)
3 m(v) m/s average velocity of following vehicle
4 max(v) m/s maximum velocity of following vehicle
5 sd(v) m/s standard deviation of velocity of following vehicle
6 mdn(v) m/s median velocity of following vehicle
7 m(ax) m/s² average longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
8 max(ax) m/s² maximum longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
9 min(ax) m/s² minimum longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
10 sd(ax) m/s² standard deviation of longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
11 mdn(ax) m/s² median longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
12 duration s duration
13 m(d) m average distance to lead vehicle
14 min(d) m minimum distance to lead vehicle
15 m(THW) s average time headway
16 min(THW) s minimum time headway
17 m(TTC) s average time to collision
18 min(TTC) s minimum time to collision
19 v_min(TTC) m/s velocity of following vehicle at the minimum time to collision
20 a_min(TTC) m/s² acceleration of following vehicle at the minimum time to collision
21 THW_min(TTC) s time headway at the minimum time to collision
22 d_min(TTC) m distance to lead vehicle at the minimum time to collision


meta table of crossing
col colname unit description
1 id - trial id
2 subscenario - vehicle yielded (yielding) or didn't yield (non-yielding) to the oncoming road user
3 m(v) m/s average velocity of following vehicle
4 max(v) m/s maximum velocity of following vehicle
5 sd(v) m/s standard deviation of velocity of following vehicle
6 mdn(v) m/s median velocity of following vehicle
7 m(ax) m/s² average longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
8 max(ax) m/s² maximum longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
9 min(ax) m/s² minimum longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
10 sd(ax) m/s² standard deviation of longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
11 mdn(ax) m/s² median longitudinal acceleration of following vehicle
12 duration s duration
13 PET s post encroachment time
14 m(TAdv) s average time advantage
15 min(TAdv) s minimum time advantage
16 v_min(TAdv)_id1 m/s Oncoming object’s velocity the moment of minimum time advantage
17 a_min(TAdv)_id1 m/s² Oncoming object’s acceleration in heading the moment of minimum time advantage
18 v_min(TAdv)_id2 m/s vehicle’s velocity the moment of minimum time advantage
19 a_min(TAdv)_id2 m/s² vehicle’s acceleration in heading the minimum time advantage
20 THW_min(TAdv)_id1 s Timeheadway oncoming object to the crossing area’s entering part the moment of minimum time advantage
21 THW_min(TAdv)_id2 s Timeheadway vehicle to the crossing area’s entering part the moment of minimum time advantage
22 d_min(TAdv)_id1 m Distance oncoming object to the crossing area’s entering part the moment of minimum time advantage
23 d_min(TAdv)_id2 m Distance vehicle to the crossing area’s entering part the moment of minimum time advantage




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L3Pilot – Piloting Automated Driving on European Roads 723051
European Commission