Published October 15, 2021 | Version v1
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Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI 8)

  • 1. Dublin City University


It is our pleasure to present the proceedings form the Eighth Conference on Research in Mathematics Education in Ireland (MEI 8) which took place online for the first time and was hosted by DCU Institute of Education, Dublin City University in October 2021. Our conference theme, Accessing Mathematics: Inspiring Engaged Communities, aimed to situate mathematics as a pursuit that is accessible for all learners at all ages. In these proceedings of MEI 8, we present papers that reflect a broad variety of mathematical research that is taking place in Ireland and further afield. Collectively, the authors seek to solidify and progress the research field of mathematics education and seek to further understand how we can provide meaningful access and experiences for all learners of mathematics.


Proceedings of MEI 8.pdf

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