Published October 15, 2021 | Version v1
Poster Open

High Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of a Large Population of Herbig Ae/Be Stars with HARPS/GIANO

  • 1. UCD
  • 2. UCD, DIAS
  • 3. DIAS
  • 4. INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy
  • 5. DIAS, 4 INAF Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, via Moiariello 16, 80131 Napoli, Italy


In this poster I present the first high-spectral resolution (R=115,000 for the optical, and R=50,000 for the NIR) unbiased survey of 25 Herbig Ae/Be stars performed with the instruments HARPS and GIANO at TNG.
This is the first survey observing simultaneously the full spectral range from 3,800A to 24,500A at such high spectral resolution, representing an unique opportunity to constrain the properties of the gas in the inner disk regions of Herbig AeBe protoplanetary disks, and to probe the physical processes driving this emission.

In this poster, I present our results on the Herbig Ae star HD141569 as an example of the potential of this survey. It is a A0 star with 1.9 solar masses at 110 pc distance (V=7.1) with virtually no IR-excess. This source shows bright emission in the [O I] 6300A line, as well as in the Hydrogen Balmer, Paschen, and Brackett series. Our high spectral resolution data show that these lines are double peaked with a clear Keplerian pattern. This allows us for the first time to constrain the physical properties and line emitting region of the gas in the inner disk, and give important clues about its origin in a systematic and homogenous way for a large sample of sources.


Mentel - clouds to disks 2021 poster - High Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of a Large Population of Herbig AeBe Stars with HARPS GIANO.pdf