Published October 18, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

LFP and single-unit data published in Olafsdottir, Carpenter and Barry (2016) Nature Neuroscience 19: 792-794

  • 1. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
  • 2. UCL Department of Cell and Developmental Biology



All data are recorded using tetrodes - eight in MEC (deep layers) and eight in hippocampus - and the DACQ system from Axona Ltd

For all recording files (except R2142), tetrodes 1-8 are in MEC (for R2142 it's the other way around)

Filenames indicate the recording date, animal ID and whether the animal was running on the Z-track ('track1'), resting ('sleepPOST'), or foraging in the open field ('Training') - e.g. 20151201_R2337_track1 indicates that this file is from animal R2337 running on the Z-track on 1st December 2015

Rest recordings were recorded immediately after animals were exposed to the track; foraging was carried out in a 1m square arena

All files ending with .cut have spike sorted data - e.g. 20151127_R2337_track1_11.cut, contains the spike sorted data for tetrode 11; files ending with .pos contain position data (sampled at 50Hz); files ending with .egf contain LFP data (sampled at 4.8kHz); files ending with .set contain the header information; files ending with a number contain tetrode data - e.g. '20151127_R2337_track1.1' contains tetrode data from tetrode 1; and some folder have .clu files (the output of KlustaKwik), but these should be ignored as they are superseded by the .cut files




Screening, Track1 and SleepPost present




Track1 and SleepPost sessions present


Note this animal has a typo in the file name for the track session, indicating the wrong date - i.e. 20140110 should be 20141001, as this recording was made on 1st October 2014 NOT 10th January 2014. Note that this digit switch applies to all files for that session (i.e. track) but not to the other files from that day (i.e. sleepPost)




Screening, Track1 and SleepPost present


Screening, Track1 and SleepPost present



Screening, Track1 and SleepPost present



Track1 and SleepPost present


Track1 and SleepPost present




Track1 and SleepPost present


Track1 and SleepPost present


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