Published April 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Secured Proficient Smart Electronic Voting System

  • 1. Assistant Professor in CSE Department, SCSVMV Deemed to be University
  • 1. Publisher


In this contemporary democratic system, the election commission of India is facing difficulty in finding fake votes. Right now framework, the political decision commission of India is confronting trouble in discovering counterfeit votes. To beat this, we presented a novel crossover Electronic democratic machine utilizing a face acknowledgment framework. Right now and numerical models, for arranging face including Convolutional Neural Network. In this mechanized framework, in this paper recommended and advise an EVM machine which confirms the facial picture of a voter through a CNN based face recognizer to checks it with the pre-caught pictures gave in the database. The databases checked based on the outcome being sure, it is accept the voter is a valid one. This move towards to make the choice for an ideological group, if the outcome is negative, the voter can't make their choice. After this procedure, the pictures are put away in another database to check the democratic rate. After this process, the casted images are stored in another database to check the voting percentage.



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Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)


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