Avoidance of Collision using Copy Cat Technology
- 1. Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Prasad V. Potluri Institute of Technology, Kanuru.
- 2. Bachelor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Prasad V. Potluri Institute of Technology, Kanuru
- 3. Bachelor in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Prasad V. Potluri Institute of Technology, Kanuru
- 1. Publisher
The project aims to design an android interface Bluetooth controlled robotic car with master-slave configuration involved in it. Robotic car contains arduino microcontroller with basic mobility features. Arduino programs contain instructions mediating between Android controller and Robotic car. An appropriate program in the arduino microprocessor to interact with the android controller has been created. The program has been successfully complied through arduino IDE to the arduino microprocessor & loaded into it after proper checking of logic to decrease any loss/damage of hardware. An android application that would provide a user interface to interact with the arduino powered robotic car was created. This interface is easy to use and provide feedback from the arduino microprocessor through the Bluetooth after giving instruction to arduino for various actions via Bluetooth module. The android application is created with the help of android studio that provides more capability & stability. This project also describes the robots that are configured in master slave technology. In this case the user sends the data from the android device which is received and executed by the master robot and simultaneously the data is broadcasted to the slave robots through the RF transmitter. Slave robots receive the data from the RF receiver, decode it and send the command to Arduino and from then to the motors. Also, there is a provision that any of the robots shall be made the master of the remaining robots. Under any dangerous circumstances (Ex: when the driver is asleep while driving) slave robot uses the path which is followed by master as a navigation and moves in that particular direction. By this technology one shall reduce the number of accidents which leads to decrease of death rate.
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- Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)
- 2249-8958
- Retrieval Number
- D7442049420/2020©BEIESP