Published October 7, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Membership of Stars in Open Clusters using Random Forest with Gaia Data


  • 1. Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad, India


  1. Membership of stars in open clusters is one of the most cru- cial parameters in studies of star clusters. Gaia opened a new window in the estimation of membership because of its unprecedented 6-D data. In the present study, we used published membership data of nine open star clusters as a training set to find new members from Gaia DR2 data using a supervised random forest model with a precision of around 90%. The number of new members found is often double the published num- ber. Membership probability of a larger sample of stars in clusters is a major benefit in determination of cluster parameters like distance, extinction and mass functions. We also found members in the outer regions of the cluster and found sub-structures in the clusters studied. The color magnitude diagrams are more populated and enriched by the addition of new members making their study more promising.



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