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Published April 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Design and Fabrication of Industrial Washing Machine for Heat Treated Metals

  • 1. Associate Professor in the department of mechanical engineering, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • 2. pursuing final year B.E. Mechanical Engineering at SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore.
  • 1. Publisher


The clothes washer is generally utilized in the present day's general public for washing, drying of garments and furthermore for the warmth treatment procedure of metals and materials which has been created in the business these days. The vast majority of the crude materials utilized in the assembling procedure of the clothes washer have significant negative social and natural effects which incorporates mass scale extraction of metals, arrivals of harmful gases during creation and preparing, defilement of land and wellbeing perils causes in people and creatures. Subsequently it is imperative to relieve these impacts while accomplishing the social necessities. It is accepted that offering an assistance to supplant the residential clothes washer would be doable answer for this situation. Low carbon steel is having every single material property that are worthy for some applications which is required to have heat treatment process. Here we are thinking of completely mechanized mechanical utilization heat treated clothes washer for improve flexibility, durability, quality, hardness and rigidity and to remember interior pressure created in the materials.



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