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Published October 7, 2021 | Version 0.1
Software Open

Verified Compilation of C Programs with a Nominal Memory Model (Artifact)

  • 1. Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • 2. Yale University


This is the artifact for the POPL 2022 paper "Verified Compilation of C Programs with a Nominal Memory Model".

The artifact is a VM image in .ova format. We have tested the VM in VirtualBox 6.1.26 running on a host Linux machine with 64-bit Ubuntu LTS 20.04. The source code can be found in the directory '/home/authors/nominal-compcert-popl22-artifact'. Follow the '' file to evaluate the artifact. You can also open the README file with Firefox browser for improved readability.

If you prefer to compile from the source code on your local machine (Linux or Mac), please find the source code at the following address:

The prerequisites are the same as for CompCert. You need to setup Coq 8.12, install necessary software (e.g., menhir), and run the configuration and make files in each directory as follows:

./configure x86_64-linux

See CompCert's user manual for more details.

Known Issues: on Windows host machines, the VM may hang up because the Virtual Machine Platform is enabled. To disable this feature, open the Windows Features window by navigating to Control Panel | Programs | Turn Windows feature on or off, then uncheck Virtual Machine Platform. After that, you will need to restart Windows.

If for some reason you still cannot login onto gnome, you can log in from TTY by pressing "Ctrl" + "Alt" + "F2" (or F3, F4, etc.) and entering the login "authors" (There is no password). After that, the evaluation can still be done in the command line prompt.

To avoid the above problem, we recommend you to host the VM on Linux machines (preferred Ubuntu). Alternatively, you can download the source code directly from github and perform evaluation on your local machine as described above.


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