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Published September 22, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Let's discuss about FAIRifying OS policies

  • 1. KIT
  • 2. STFC
  • 3. DCC
  • 4. Masaryk University
  • 5. ATHENA RC
  • 6. CNR


The development and alignment of policies relating to Open Science (OS) are crucial for the successful implementation of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Currently, a multitude of policies exist at various levels (national, funding body, publisher and organisational). Among these, there are observable differences in the expectations on researchers around data management planning, data handling, and data accessibility. The lack of harmonisation across these policies causes confusion among those who need to comply with them, limit cross institutional data use and can hinder rather support uptake of Open Science practices. For example, there are great variations in how data protection and intellectual property are addressed and there could be legal consequences that a researcher in an international collaboration may need to be aware of. To avoid difficulties, the content of the policies themselves needs to be made FAIR to enable clear comparison by both human and machines. Several INFRAEOSC projects have been working to develop recommendations to facilitate policy alignment across the European Research Area with the ultimate aim of realising the EOSC vision. In this workshop, organised by the InfraEOSC-5 Task Force on National Policies and Governance, we will introduce some of the practical recommendations relating to the findability, accessibility, interoperability and reuse of OS policies and work to collectively draft a set of “5 key actions towards common open science policies”. This workshop is targeted toward policymakers and members of transnational collaborations at all levels and aims to foster the emergence of a community of practice that can help put the 5 key actions into practice.



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