There is a newer version of the record available.

Published October 4, 2021 | Version v2.7.0
Software Open


  • 1. University of Maryland
  • 2. Insight Centre for Data Analytics
  • 3. Nord Software
  • 4. University of Alberta Library
  • 5. @yorkulibraries
  • 6. University of Waterloo
  • 7. @ESSolutions
  • 8. Bumble
  • 9. Amazon Web Services
  • 10. Texas Digital Library
  • 11. Leibniz Institute for Media Research | HBI
  • 12. Ruhr-University Bochum
  • 13. Unit21
  • 14. @MibactIT
  • 15. George Washington University Libraries


v2.7.0 adds a new places command to search for places and their identifiers, which can be used in search and stream queries. Even though it's still on the 1.1 endpoint the 1.1/geo/search.json API endpoint makes these place identifiers available when searching by the name, geo coordinates, or ip address.

Usage: twarc2 places [OPTIONS] VALUE [OUTFILE]

  Search for places by place name, geo coordinates or ip address.

  --type [geo|name|ip]            How to search for places
  --granularity [neighborhood|city|admin|country]
                                  What type of places to search for
  --max-results INTEGER           Maximum results to return
  --json                          Output raw JSON response
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

There is a corresponding method twarc.client2.Twarc2.geo() method which you can use to do the lookup yourself from Python.



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