Published June 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Two-Way Traceability using Smart Tags (QR): DL Tags

  • 1. Department of CSE , ,Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai, India
  • 1. Publisher


The main goal of this project is to provide proof of goods from the start and their path through the supply chain along with preventing duplication and low-cost exploitation of goods. The network between the company and its suppliers can be described as a supply chain to manufacture and distribute a specific product to the final customers. This network encompasses numerous operations, persons, organizations, knowledge and resources. So, in order to helps the costumers and manufactures by bringing the transparency and avoiding the duplication. The Quick Response code (QR) is generated at the final stage of the production by combing the data from the various blocks of data such as from the raw materials to the dealers. This is a web-based application where every entity gets registered. Every raw material, manufactured sub product is to be given unique id and the data regarding that has to be stored in block of data. Everyone is provided with login and an automated unique id are generated at every stage so that all can be combined to obtain a final Quick Response code (QR) which the customer scans by Android application to get the details about the product.



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Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)


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