Published September 30, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Sector Modelling Scenarios for Upscaling Legume Production in the EU27+UK


This is the final report on this deliverable. It presents a methodological description of the sector model, CAPRI, and the scenarios used to examine legume production under three different pathways which were assumed to be the conditions which would lead to increase legume production in the EU27+UK. Three alternative legume production scenarios have been identified and described including changes in legume support payment (policy), dietary change (consumer demand) and soya import ban (trade). The scenario results were compared with a baseline scenario, analysed and presented in this report.


727973_D6.4 Sector Modelling Scenarios for Upscaling Legume Production.pdf

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European Commission
TRUE – Transition paths to sustainable legume based systems in Europe 727973