Published September 29, 2021 | Version 4.0
Report Open

SIENNA D5.4: Multi-stakeholder Strategy and Practical Tools for Ethical AI and Robotics

  • 1. Trilateral Research Ltd
  • 2. University of Twente


  • 1. Trilateral Research Ltd


After having conducted extensive ethical and legal studies and consulted a wide range of stakeholders on AI and robotics and the social implications of these technologies, the SIENNA project has developed practical ethical guidance documents for AI and robotics. Considering the numerous high-level guidance documents developed in the field over the last couple of years, including the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG), the SIENNA project, together with numerous stakeholders, identified the need for more operational guidance documents. The main objective of these documents is to provide practical ethics guidance to ensure AI and robotics are developed, deployed and used in ways that respect key ethical principles and values. SIENNA has developed six different guidance documents. The first guidance document is a Multi-stakeholder Strategy for Ethical AI and Robotics which is a comprehensive multi-stakeholder framework to ensure ethical AI and robotics. The others are:

  • Ethics by Design and Ethics of Use for AI and Robotics

  • Industry Education and Buy-In for AI Ethics

  • Research ethics guidelines for Artificial Intelligence

  • AI Ethics Education, Training and Awareness Raising

  • Ethics at Attention to Context: Recommendations for AI ethics


SIENNA D5.4_AIR ethics proposals_7 July 2021.pdf

Files (2.4 MB)

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SIENNA – Stakeholder-informed ethics for new technologies with high socio-economic and human rights impact 741716
European Commission