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Published September 23, 2021 | Version v1
Presentation Open

re3data COREF – Developing a Conceptual Model for User Stories for the Registry of Research Data Repositories (Presentation at the Open Science Fair 2021)

  • 1. Helmholtz Association, Helmholtz Open Science Office
  • 1. Helmholtz Association, Helmholtz Open Science Office
  • 2. DataCite - International Data Citation Initiative e.V.
  • 3. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences
  • 4. Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin School of Library and Information Science
  • 5. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT Library
  • 6. Purdue University, United States


re3data is the global registry for research data repositories. As of January 2021, the service lists over 2700 digital repositories across all scientific disciplines and provides an extensive description of repositories based on a detailed metadata schema. A variety of funders, publishers, and scientific organizations around the world refer to re3data within their guidelines and policies, recommending the service to researchers looking for appropriate repositories for storage and discovery of research data.

The presentation focuses on the development of the Conceptual Model for User Stories for the re3data service. Since its launch in 2012, re3data has been designed to support open science activities. The registry serves the needs of heterogeneous user groups, first of all aimed at researchers searching for suitable repositories to find and deposit research data. In addition, re3data contributes to other open science infrastructures as a valuable source of metadata about research data repositories.

To better understand the needs of its users the re3data COREF project conducted a stakeholder survey. Participants were also invited to join an associated online workshop to further discuss their requirements and recommendations (see Report). The presentation introduces on the most important findings from these activities and introduce common use cases of re3data. It addresses how re3data currently interlinks with several other services and how the integration of third-party information can be realized.



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Project milestone: 10.48440/re3.012 (DOI)
Report: 10.48440/re3.013 (DOI)
Project milestone: 10.48440/re3.010 (DOI)