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Published April 30, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Voice Enabled Personal Assistant for Pc using Python

  • 1. Assistant Professor, CSE Department, SCSVMV Deemed to be University, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.
  • 2. UG Scholar CSE Department, SCSVMV Deemed to be University, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu.
  • 1. Publisher


Personal Assistants, or conversational interfaces, or chat bots reinvent a new way for individuals to interact with computes. A Personal Virtual Assistant allows a user to simply ask questions in the same manner that they would address a human, and are even capable of doing some basic tasks like opening apps, reading out news, taking notes etc., with just a voice command. Personal Assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri works by Speech Recognition (Speech-to-text) and Text-to-Speech.



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Journal article: 2249-8958 (ISSN)


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