Published September 23, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted



The Visual Spectra (RGB) videos of the original High-Quality Wide Multi-Channel Attack database (HQ-WMCA) database. This database consists of 2904 short video recordings of both bona-fide and presentation attacks. There are 555 bonafide presentations from 51 participants and the remaining 2349 are presentation attacks.

Reference papers

           author = {Heusch, Guillaume and George, Anjith and Geissb{\"u}hler, David and Mostaani, Zohreh and Marcel, S{\'{e}}bastien},
            title = {Deep Models and Shortwave Infrared Information to Detect Face Presentation Attacks},
          journal = {IEEE Transactions on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science},
             year = {2020},
        publisher = {IEEE},
              url = {}
           author = {Purnapatra, Sandip and Smalt, Nic and Bahmani, Keivan and Das, Priyanka and Yambay, David and Mohammadi, Amir and George, Anjith and Bourlai, Thirimachos and Marcel, Sébastien and Schuckers, Stephanie and Fang, Meiling and Damer, Naser and Boutros, Fadi and Kuijper, Arjan and Kantarci, Alperen and Demir, Başar and Yildiz, Zafer and Ghafoory, Zabi and Dertli, Hasan and Ekenel, Hazım Kemal and Vu, Son and Christophides, Vassilis and Dashuang, Liang and Guanghao, Zhang and Zhanlong, Hao and Junfu, Liu and Yufeng, Jin and Liu, Samo and Huang, Samuel and Kuei, Salieri and Singh, Jag Mohan and Ramachandra, Raghavendra},
        booktitle = {2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB)},
            title = {Face Liveness Detection Competition (LivDet-Face) – 2021},
             year = {2021},
           volume = {},
           number = {},
            pages = {1-10},
              doi = {10.1109/IJCB52358.2021.9484359}


The HQ-WMCA-RGB database is produced at Idiap within the framework of "IARPA BATL" project and it is intended for research, development, and testing in biometrics and biomedical analysis.

More details about the data can be found in the following research report.

           author = {Mostaani, Zohreh and George, Anjith and Heusch, Guillaume and Geissenbuhler, David and Marcel, S{\'{e}}bastien},
         projects = {Idiap, ODIN/BATL},
            month = {9},
            title = {The High-Quality Wide Multi-Channel Attack (HQ-WMCA) database},
             type = {Idiap-RR},
           number = {Idiap-RR-22-2020},
             year = {2020},
      institution = {Idiap},
              pdf = {}



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