Published September 7, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

LoRaWAN with HSM as a Security Improvement for Agriculture Applications - Evaluation

  • 1. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Giefinggasse 4, 1210 Vienna, Austria
  • 2. MDH Mälardalen University, Högskoleplan 1, 722 20 Västerås, Sweden


The future of agriculture is digital and the move towards it has already start-ed. Comparable to modern industrial automation control systems (IACS), to-day’s smart agriculture makes use of smart sensors, sensor networks, intelligent field devices, cloud-based data storage, and intelligent decision-making sys-tems. These agriculture automation control systems (AACS) require equivalent, but adapted, security protection measures. Last year, the agriculture-related se-curity theme was addressed in a presentation [1] on DECSoS '20 workshop of the SAFECOMP 2020 conference. In the workshop a simple soil sensor proto-type with wireless communication system was presented. The sensor was used to demonstrate the improvements to operational security of field devices through employing cyber security protection techniques. As a continuation of the last year contribution, this paper presents the evaluation of the technologies presented in real-life deployment of AACS. It also describes operational scenar-ios and experiences with the implementation of security measures for AACS, e.g.: the implementation of a four-layer cyber security architecture, the signal-ling concept of alarms and notifications in the event of a cyber-attack, the as-sessment of security measures, the costs of security, and an outlook of upcom-ing future security requirements for wireless IoT devices which are specified by the European Commission through the European Radio Equipment Directive (RED).


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AFarCloud – Aggregate Farming in the Cloud 783221
European Commission