Published September 19, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Wake Effect Dataset


  • 1. Texas A&M University


This dataset includes data from six pairs of wind turbines (or, 12 wind turbines in total) and three met masts. The turbine pairs are chosen such that no other turbines except the pair are located within 10 times the turbine's rotor diameter. Such arrangement is to find a pair of turbines that are free of other turbines' wake, so that the wake analysis result can be reasonably attributed to the wake of its pair turbine. The operational data for the six pairs of turbines are taken during roughly a yearlong period between 2010 and 2011. The datasets include wind power output, wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, and temperature, of which air pressure and temperature data are used to calculate air density.  The wind power outputs and wind speeds are measured on the turbine, and all other variables are measured at the met masts. The data from Mast 1 are associated with the data for Turbine Pairs 1 and 2, Mast 2 with Pairs 3 and 4, and Mast 3 with Pairs 5 and 6.  Figure 8.6 of the Data Science for Wind Energy book shows the relative locations of the six pairs of turbines and three met masts.


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  • Ding, Y. (2019) Data Science for Wind Energy, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL