Published September 17, 2021 | Version 1.0
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Thermonuclear burst oscillations from accreting neutron stars: catalogue of confirmed sources

  • 1. University of Amsterdam


This catalogue provides details of accreting neutron stars that are thermonuclear burst oscillation sources.  It includes the source name, the burst oscillation frequency, and references (with NASA Astrophysical Data System links) for the burst oscillation discovery paper(s).  It includes all sources where the burst oscillation detection is considered to be robust, and is an updated version of Table 1 in Watts 2012. Second (confirmation) references are given for sources where the initial discovery rested on a single burst. It does not include tentative detections (see Table 2 of Watts 2012).


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European Commission
AEONS – Advancing the Equation of state of Neutron Stars 865768