Published September 15, 2021 | Version v1
Technical note Open

Good inclusive practices in video conferences

  • 1. French Socitey of Physics


The health crisis that the world has been going through since the end of 2019 has imposed a profound transformation of  communication modes. Video-conferencing has become a tool of our daily life with a multitude of different software. Over the past  year, we have had time to familiarize ourselves with these techniques and it is time to question our practices. If the format of video- conferences is different from that of traditional conferences, gender bias is still present but expressed differently. Therefore, we  thought it would be useful to combine the charter for gender fairness in conferences with a specific practical guide. The aim of this guide is to raise awareness of certain biases and to propose solutions so that practices change before they become habits.


Good Inclusive Practices Video - EN.pdf

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