Published September 14, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted

Dataset related to article "Functional changes in the lower extremity after non-immersive virtual reality and physiotherapy following stroke"

  • 1. Laboratory of Neurorehabilitation Technologies, IRCCS San Camillo Hospital
  • 2. Nursing and Physiotherapy Department, University of Cadiz
  • 3. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit, Azienda ULSS 3 Serenissima



Variable description of the dataset from publication DOI: 10.2340/16501977-2763
ID_PATIENT = unique identifier of subject in the original clinical database
ID_EVO4 = unique identifier of subject in the original device database for kinematic analysis
AGE = given age of the subject at the time of assessment
GENDER = given gender of the subject at the time of assessment
ID_LESION = unique identifier of aetiology of the brain lesion (1 = ischemic lesion; 2 = haemorrhagic lesion)
LESION_SIDE = unique identifier of hemisphere affected by the brain lesion (1 = right; 2 = left)
MONTHS FROM LESION = time distance between time of assessment and stroke onset
FM LE_PRE = Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale, lower limb section detected before treatment. This outcome measure assesses the impairment of motor function at the lower limb after stroke.
MAS_PRE = FM LE_PRE = Modified Ashworth Scale at the ankle, knee and hip, detected before treatment. This outcome measure assesses the reaction to fast elongation of muscles.
FIM_pre = Functional Independence Measure detected before treatment. This outcome measure assesses independence of the subject in the activities of daily living.
10MTWT_PRE = 10 meters walking test detected before treatment. This outcome measure assesses the time needed to cover 10 meters by walking.
BERG_PRE = Berg Balance Scale detected before treatment. This outcome measure assesses impairment of balance function.
FAC_PRE = BERG_PRE = Functional Ambulation Category detected before treatment. This outcome measure classifies autonomy in ambulation function.
FM LE_POST = Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale, lower limb section detected after treatment. This outcome measure assesses the impairment of motor function at the lower limb after stroke.
MAS_ POST = FM LE_PRE = Modified Ashworth Scale at the ankle, knee and hip, detected after treatment. This outcome measure assesses the reaction to fast elongation of muscles.
FIM_ POST = Functional Independence Measure detected after treatment. This outcome measure assesses independence of the subject in the activities of daily living.
10MTWT_ POST = 10 meters walking test detected after treatment. This outcome measure assesses the time needed to cover 10 meters by walking.
BERG_ POST = Berg Balance Scale detected after treatment. This outcome measure assesses impairment of balance function.
FAC_ POST = BERG_PRE = Functional Ambulation Category detected after treatment. This outcome measure classifies autonomy in ambulation function.
spatial error_PRE = this kinematic measure is the difference (computed as an area, mm2) between the trajectory performed by the patient in executing a standard motor task and the ideal one that should be performed.
Time_PRE = this kinematic measure is the overall time (s) needed by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
Lenght_PRE = this kinematic measure is the overall distance (mm) covered by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
speed_PRE = this kinematic measure is the mean velocity (m/s) expressed by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
peak_PRE = this kinematic measure is the jerk (m/s2) expressed by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
spatial error_POST = this kinematic measure is the difference (computed as an area, mm2) between the trajectory performed by the patient in executing a standard motor task and the ideal one that should be performed.
Time_ POST = this kinematic measure is the overall time (s) needed by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
Lenght_ POST = this kinematic measure is the overall distance (mm) covered by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
speed_ POST = this kinematic measure is the mean velocity (m/s) expressed by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.
peak_ POST = this kinematic measure is the jerk (m/s2) expressed by the patient to perform a standard motor task, before the treatment.



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Journal article: 10.2340/16501977-2763 (DOI)