Published September 9, 2021 | Version 7
Journal article Open

Education and Learning: Analytical Study of Quran and Sunnah


Islam being an eternal and universal movement of knowledge and learning that can be traced from the first revelation of the Holy Quran as well as from the life of Ashaab e Suffa. These underlying principles of Islam have not only revolutionized the system of education but also set the destiny of entire mankind. Islam has thoroughly concentrated on education and getting education. For this purpose rules and regulations have been made in the light of the Holy Qur’an and Hadith on the supremacy of knowledge, the teacher and the student. In this article all such types of rules and regulations have been discussed briefly which Islam has appointed through the symbolic stories narrated by His majesty the Prophet of Islam (Peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon Him) in various Ahadith. A Muslim society can only be flourished systematically and smoothly by adopting these basic principles for the sake of revival of Islamic culture and civilization. So being Muslims we ought to act upon these prescribed principals of Islamic philosophy of teaching and learning.



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