Published August 31, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Investigation of the influence of the configuration of the fire furnace chamber on the temperature regime during the implementation of tests for fire resistance

  • 1. Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection
  • 2. Cherkasy Institute of Fire Safety named after Chornobyl Heroes of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
  • 3. Lviv Polytechnic National University


The issue related to the conditions for creating the required temperature regime of fire when testing structures for fire resistance has not been studied in detail up to now. That necessitated determining the technical conditions under which it is possible to comply with the standard temperature regime of fire in the fire chamber of the furnace. The influence of the design parameters of the fire furnace chamber on the condition of compliance with the standard fire temperature regime when tested for fire resistance has been established. One of the most effective methods for examining such an impact is computer simulation. A computer model of the fire furnace was built on the basis of a comprehensive analysis and earlier work on the study of such furnaces, taking into consideration technical characteristics, in particular, geometrical parameters, fuel and air supply systems. The obtained research results are a prerequisite for scientific substantiation of the design parameters of fire furnaces and their engineering systems, which is necessary to comply with the standard temperature regime of fire in the furnace fire chamber. This makes it possible to provide the necessary conditions for testing building structures for fire resistance in compliance with the requirements of the relevant standards. The computer model constructed makes it possible to create the necessary temperature regime in the fire chamber of the furnace (in this study, the standard temperature of fire). As a result of the study, the technical parameters of the fuel supply and ventilation system were determined, which ensure compliance with the standard temperature regime in the fire chamber of the furnace. That makes it possible to build an automated complex of the testing process for fire resistance of building structures. In addition, the data obtained can be the basis for the design of such fire furnaces with the ability to comply with different fire temperature regimes without the intervention of the operator.


Investigation of the influence of the configuration of the fire furnace chamber on the temperature regime during the implementation of tests for fire resistance.pdf

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