Hull Springs Weather Data from 2021-07-16 to 2021-08-14
General Metadata for Hull Springs Farm Atmospheric Sampling Station
Specific metadata for each deployment can be found as text files with the file format of:
Where YYYY-MM-DD is the date that the sampling period ended.
File Created
- 2019-10-27 by KF
File Modified
These data are from a weather station installed at Hull Springs Farm near the "Yellow House" (38.121683, -76.666781) as part of the Longwood Environmental Observatory.
All data are CC-BY and should be cited using the DOI available at
Station Specifics
The specific at each site are:
* Barometric Pressure (mmHg) - Campbell Scientific CS100 Barometric Pressure Sensor
* Light Flux Density (kW/m^2) - Campbell Scientific Pyranometer CS300
* Light Total Flux (kJ/m^2) - Campbell Scientific Pyranometer CS300
* Rainfall (mm) - Texas Electronics TE525 Tipping Bucket
* Temperature (dC) - Campbell Scientific CS215 Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
* Relative Humidity (%) - Campbell Scientific CS215 Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
* Wind Speed (m/s) - RM Young 05103 Wind Speed and Direction Sensor
* Wind Direction (degrees from true N) - RM Young 05103 Wind Speed and Direction Sensor
* Data Collection - Campbell Scientific CR200 Data Logger
* The sensors are sampled every 15 minutes
Measurement Parameters, units, and Variable Names
* DATE - the date that the record was collected (YYYY-MM-DD)
* TIMESTAMP - the date and time that the record was collected (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
* RECORD.x - a unique identifying number provided from the data logger for table 1 from the original downloaded data.
* BattV_Avg - The average battery voltage (Volts)
* BattV - The battery voltage at the time of the sampling (Volts)
* BP_mmHg_Avg - The average barometric pressure over the sampling interval (mmHg)
* BP_mmHg_Std - The standard deviation of the average barometric pressure (mmHg)
* BP_mmHg - The barometric pressure at the time of the sampling (mmHg)
* Rain_mm_Tot - The total rainfall during the sampling interval (mm)
* AirTC_Avg - The average air temperature during the sampling interval (dC)
* AirTC_Std - The standard deviation of the average air temperature (dC)
* AirTC - the air temperature at the time of the sampling (dC)
* RH - the relative humidity at the time of the sampling (%)
* RH_Min - the minimum relative humidity recorded (%)
* RH_TMn - the time that the minimum relative humidity measurement occurred (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
* RH_Max - the maximum relative humidity recorded (%)
* RH_TMx - the time that the maximum relative humidity measurement occurred (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS)
* RECORD.y - a unique identifying number provided from the data logger for table 1 from the original downloaded data.
* BattV_Min - the minimum battery voltage (Volts)
* SlrkW_Avg - the average light flux density during the sampling interval (kW/m^2)
* SlrkW_Std - the standard deviation of the average light flux density (kW/m^2)
* SlrkW - the light flux density at the time of the sampling (kW/m^2)
* SlrMJ_Tot - the total light flux (MJ/m^2)
* WS_ms_Avg - the average wind speed during the sampling interval (m/s)
* WS_ms_Std - the standard deviation of the average wind speed (m/s)
* WS_ms - the wind speed at the time of the sampling event (m/s)
* WindDir - the wind direction at the time of the sampling event (degrees from true N)
* WS_ms_S_WVT - the average wind speed over the previous 15 minutes (m/s)
* WindDir_D1_WVT - the average wind direction over the previous 15 minutes (degrees from true N)
* WindDir_SD1_WVT - the standard deviation of the average wind direction over the previous 15 minutes (degrees from true N)
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