Published August 20, 2021 | Version v2
Journal article Open

Mȵewzambəmʂʨət: A Dpa' ris (Huarui) Tibetan Folktale

  • 1. Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai Normal University
  • 2. School of History and Culture, Northwest Minzu University
  • 3. Institute of Linguistics, Shanghai Normal University


A story told by 'Brug rgyal (Zhoujia, b. 1986) from Gzhug rub (Xianfeng) Village, 'Brug gu (Zhugu) Township, 'Ju lag (Menyuan) Hui and Tu Autonomous County, Mtsho byang (Haibei) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Mtsho sngon (Qinghai) Province illustrates the rich oral culture of the Dpa' ris (Huarui) area in Gansu and Mtsho sngon (Qinghai) provinces, PR China. Dpa' ris (Huarui) area residents are experiencing a language shift from Tibetan to the local Chinese dialect. Telling local stories, singing local songs, and reciting wedding invocations are neglected. Apps such as WeChat, Kuaishou, and Douyin further minimize the use of Dpa' ris Tibetan. Perhaps this modest contribution will generate interest in traditional Dpa' ris stories, leading to more preservation efforts.


The story that is the centerpiece of this article features a woman who never chanted ma Ni nor did any religious rites. Once she was taken to Yama Dharmapala, she was immediately thrown into Hell without being listened to. Unlike the woman, a white-haired old man chanting ma Ni came to Yama Dharmapala. He reported how many ma Ni he had chanted, the number of religious rites he had done, the number of stones he had carved with ma Ni and Buddha figures, how many figures of Buddha he had carved on bones, how many delusions he had abandoned, how many wind horses he had flown, and how many stones he had picked up while near valleys. Yama sent the old man to a Buddha-field. The different fates of the young woman and the old man show that those who do good deeds are unlikely to go to Hell after death. Meanwhile, those who are greedy, black-hearted, and selfish are punished.



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