Published May 19, 2021 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Heteromysis (Heteromysis) S. I. Smith 1873


Heteromysis (Heteromysis) S. I. Smith, 1873

Heteromysis (Heteromysis).— Băcescu, 1968: 234−237; 1979: 145.— Bravo & Murano, 1996: 483.— Price & Heard, 2000: 88, 92, 93.— Wittmann, 2000: 287; 2001: 94, 104; 2008: 368; 2020: 142, 154.— Wittmann & Wirtz, 2017: 149.— Wittmann & Griffiths, 2017: 17, 39−40.— Hanamura & Kase, 2001a: 17.— Daneliya, 2012: 146.— Hanamura et al., 2012: 17.— San Vicente & Monniot, 2014: 340.—Levesque et al., 2016: 2.

Type species. Heteromysis formosa S. I. Smith, 1873.

Diagnosis. Ischium of pereopod 1 endopod two to three times as long as wide; medially without denticles. Pleopods unmodified, setose in both sexes. Uropodal endopod shorter than exopod.

Comparison. The subgenus Heteromysis (Heteromysis) as currently composed does not have unique characters common to all its members, representing a heterogeneous group. Its members are distinguished from the species of the subgenus Heteromysis (Gnathomysis) by the smooth and narrow ischium of pereopod 1 endopod (nearly as long as wide, with denticles in Gnathomysis), and by the uropodal endopods being shorter than exopods (equal or slightly longer in Gnathomysis). From the members of the subgenus Heteromysis (Olivemysis) the species of Heteromysis s. str. are distinguished by non-modified pleopods.

Remarks. Băcescu (1968) designated the subgenus Heteromysis s. str., based on absence of the pleopod modifications. This has remained the only reason, by which newly described species not fitting into the other known Heteromysis subgenera, have been included in the nominotypical subgenus (Wittmann & Griffiths, 2017).

I have attempted, in addition to the study of the Tasman Sea species, to compare all known Heteromysis from the available literature. A number of rather clearly defined groups can be established within the subgenus. However, because of insufficient descriptions and illustrations, some species remain incertae sedis, and the taxonomic status of such groups can be clarified only after the study of actual material. Meanwhile, it is possible to define one such group, which includes all the Tasman Sea species, and which I call the microps -group.

Composition. The nominate subgenus of Heteromysis currently contains 31 species, among which four species can be found in the Tasman Sea: Heteromysis (H.) communis Băcescu, 1986, Heteromysis (H.) macropsis Pillai, 1961, Heteromysis (H.) keablei sp. nov., Heteromysis (H.) tasmanica.


Published as part of Daneliya, Mikhail E., 2021, On the Mysid Crustacean Genus Heteromysis (Mysidae: Heteromysinae) of the Tasman Sea, with Notes on the Tribe Heteromysini, pp. 1-50 in Records of the Australian Museum (Rec. Aust. Mus.) (Rec. Aust. Mus.) 73 (1) on page 8, DOI: 10.3853/j.2201-4349.73.2021.1737,


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Scientific name authorship
S. I. Smith
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Taxonomic concept label
Heteromysis (Heteromysis) Smith, 1873 sec. Daneliya, 2021


  • Bacescu, M. 1968. Heteromysini nouveaux des eaux cubaines: Trois especes nouvelles de Heteromysis et Heteromysoides spongicola n. g. n. sp. Revue Roumaine de Biologie. Serie de Zoologie 13 (4): 221 - 237.
  • Bacescu, M. 1979. A small contribution to the knowledge of the mysids from the north-eastern Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Travaux du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle " Grigore Antipa " 20 (1): 143 - 147.
  • Bravo, M. F., and M. Murano. 1996. A new species of the genus Pseudomysidetes (Mysidacea) from Japan and reallocation of this genus to the Heteromysini. Crustaceana 69 (4): 476 - 484. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 156854096 X 01050
  • Price, W. W., and R. W. Heard. 2000. Studies of the Crustacea of the Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies. IV. Heteromysis (Heteromysis) spottei, a new species (Peracarida: Mysidacea: Mysidae) from Pine Cay. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 113 (1): 88 - 94.
  • Wittmann, K. J. 2000. Heteromysis arianii sp. n., a new benthic mysid (Crustacea, Mysidacea) from coralloid habitats in the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien. Serie B, Fur Botanik und Zoologie 102: 279 - 290.
  • Wittmann, K. J. 2001. Centennial changes in the near-shore mysid fauna of the Gulf of Naples (Mediterranean Sea), with description of Heteromysis riedli sp. n. (Crustacea, Mysidacea). Marine Ecology 22 (1 / 2): 85 - 109. https: // doi. org / 10.1046 / j. 1439 - 0485.2001.00741. x
  • Wittmann, K. J., and P. Wirtz. 2017. Heteromysis sabelliphila sp. nov. (Mysida, Mysidae, Heteromysinae) in facultative association with sabellids from the Cape Verde Ilands (subtropical N. E. Atlantic). Crustaceana 90 (2): 131 - 151. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 15685403 - 00003624
  • Wittmann, K. J., and C. L. Griffiths. 2017. Three new species of Heteromysis (Mysida, Mysidae, Heteromysini) from the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, with first documentation of a mysidcephalopod association. ZooKeys 685: 15 - 47. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 685.13890
  • Hanamura, Y., and T. Kase. 2001 a. Two new shallow-water mysids of the genus Heteromysis (Crustacea: Mysidacea) from a submarine cave of Christmas Island, Eastern Indian Ocean. Species Diversity: An International Journal for Taxonomy, Systematics, Speciation, Biogeography, and Life History Research of Animals 6: 11 - 21. https: // doi. org / 10.12782 / specdiv. 6.11
  • Daneliya, M. E. 2012. Description of Heteromysis (Olivemysis) ningaloo new species and interesting records of H. (Gnathomysis) harpaxoides Bacescu & Bruce (Crustacea: Mysida: Mysidae) from the Australian coral reefs. Records of the Western Australian Museum 27 (2): 135 - 147. https: // doi. org / 10.18195 / issn. 0312 - 3162.27 (2). 2012.135 - 147
  • Hanamura, Y., R. Siow, A. Man, and F. M. Kassim. 2012. Further record of Heteromysis proxima W. M. Tattersall, 1922 (Mysida) from the Malacca Strait. Crustacean Research 41: 11 - 18. https: // doi. org / 10.18353 / crustacea. 41.0 _ 11
  • San Vicente, C., and F. Monniot. 2014. The ascidian-associated mysid Corellamysis eltanina gen. nov., sp. nov. (Mysida, Mysidae, Heteromysinae): a new symbiotic relationship from the Southern Ocean. Zootaxa 3780 (2): 323 - 346. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3780.2.6
  • Pillai, N. K. 1961. Additions to the Mysidacea of Kerala. Bulletin of the Central Research Institute, University of Kerala. Series C: Natural Sciences 8: 15 - 35.