Published September 30, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Chlamydopsis caterinoi Tishechkin 2009, n. sp.

  • 1. Louisiana State Arthropod Museum, Department of Entomology, Louisiana State University, 404 Life Sciences Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70803 - 1710 (USA) atishe 1 @ lsu. edu


Chlamydopsis caterinoi n. sp. (Figs 2-4)

HOLOTYPE. — “ VANUATU: Santo I., Cumberland Peninsula, Saratsi Range at 14.9667°S 166.6560°E. 900m Flight intercept FL9C-13. 25-27 Nov 2006. A.K.Tishechkin AT791 / HOLOTYPE Chlamydopsis caterinoi sp. n. A.K.Tishechkin des. 2008”, ♂ pointmounted (MNHN).

PARATYPES (2). — Same locality as the holotype, “Caterino DNA Voucher Extraction: MSC-1214 Species: Chlamydopsis Extraction Date: i.26.2007”, flight intercept trap, 10-11.XI.2006, A. K. Tishechkin coll., 1 ♂ (coll. AKT). — Saratsi Range, 14.9641°S, 166.6479°E, 600 m, flight intercept trap, 10-11.XI.2006, A. K. Tishechkin coll., 1 ♀ (MNHN).

ETYMOLOGY. — Th e species is dedicated to my colleague and friend Mike Caterino of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, in recognition of his great contributions to the taxonomy and systematics of Chlamydopsinae.


L: 1.72; W: 1.22; E/Pn L: 2.06; E/Pn W: 1.24; Pn W/L: 1.62; E L/W: 1.02; Pr/Py: 0.80; sterna: 0.47, 0.09, 0.55; tibiae: 0.62, 0.65, 0.73. Body (Fig. 2A) elongate rectangular, dark rufescent brown, shining; most dorsal surfaces reticulostrigose, sparsely setose, setae faintly scale-like. Front of head (Fig. 3D), when retracted, slightly proclinate; frons with sides weakly rounded, about 1.2 times longer than wide, reticulately punctured, with sparse scattered scalelike setae; labrum about 2.3 times as wide as long, anterior margin obtusely triangular, disc shallowly reticulopunctate; mandibles strongly bent, with long narrow tips, with the same type of setae and smaller punctures on outer edges; maxillar palpi with four palpomeres, labial palpi with three palpomeres, mentum present as separate sclerite; antennal scape 2.2 times longer than wide, widest near basal third, disc faintly reticulate in proximal half, with scattered scale-like setae; antennal club of female about twothirds, that of male almost equals, scape length.

Pronotum (Figs 2A; 3E) with posterior margin obtusely angulate, its sides approximately parallel in basal half, converging apically to one-half basal width; lateral pronotal margin slightly elevated, with several short, scale-like setae (absent from anterior margin); lateral and anterior pronotal margins with continuous, fine, deep groove just inside margin; pronotal disc moderately convex medially, flattened towards sides, entirely reticulostrigose, more elongately so posteromedially, except narrow smooth band along lateral elevation. Antennal cavities (Fig. 3E) broadly exposed from above, margined posteriorly with fine, almost continuous marginal stria, briefly interrupted at the middle, just anteriad of marginal groove of pronotal disc. Prosternum (Figs 2B; 3F) short, its anterior margin broadly, weakly emarginate, with fine marginal stria broadly interrupted in the middle; prosternal keel sharply rising in anterior two-thirds (reducing prosternal “depth” anteriorly), narrowed between procoxae, slightly emarginate posteriorly, bordered laterally by deeply impressed circumcoxal stria; anterior half of prosternal disc reticulostrigose, prosternal keel smooth.

Scutellum (Figs 2A; 3A) distinct, small, triangular. Elytra (Figs 2A; 3A) with prominent humeral trichomes in basal third, with single broad, more or less flat, setose anterior elevation bearing anterior superficial stria along its outer edge, with a fringe of longer and denser setae along apex; apical edges of anterior and posterior trichome elevations meeting near their apices, both with dense, golden setal fringe beneath meeting point; posterior trichome elevations much smaller than anterior ones, conical, with a tuft of dense setae on inner edge near apex corresponding to a similar, but denser and larger tuft on inner edge of anterior elevation; epipleuron separated from elytral dorsum by finely impressed stria extending from posterolateral corner anteriorly, curving into opening of trichome; most of elytral dorsum posteriad of trichome elevation covered with dense longitudinal microsculpture consisting of short longitudinal ridges, sparsely setose, with reticulae more elongate across middle third of elytral dorsum; mediobasal depression and posterior sixth of elytral dorsum impunctate and glabrous; epipleuron mostly smooth, with reticulostrigose area confined to antero-dorsal corners; sutural striae continuous with marginal striae, abbreviated in basal third.

Mesoventrite (Figs 2B; 3B) rather narrow, weakly projecting at middle, and extending forward around inner edge of mesocoxa; marginal stria obsolete at middle, visible mainly as oblique lateral fragments well mesal of mesocoxa; disc with small shallow punctures; mesometasternal suture and median metasternal sutures finely but deeply impressed; disc of metaventrite impunctate, smooth, asetose, with a few small punctures at sides and within mesotibial depressions, with complete arched lateral stria of metaventrite; first abdominal ventrite smooth, impunctate and asetose, with postcoxal stria deeply impressed, continuous across middle.

Femora (Figs 2B; 3B) slightly widened apically, outer surface of profemur with few punctures along anterior margin near base, otherwise exposed surfaces of all femora impunctate, with fine sparse setae; protibia (Fig. 3C) broadly rounded, somewhat thickened just beyond middle, tarsal groove expanded, with single fovea near its midpoint (about one-third from apex of tibia), outer margin sinuous; posterior surface of tibia sparsely setose; posterior tibiae with outer edges rounded, mesotibia widest near middle, metatibia widest about two-thirds from base; tarsi slightly laterally compressed, about 0.7-0.8 times length of corresponding tibiae; tarsal claws simple, divergent, weakly arcuate, about 0.5 times length of corresponding apical tarsomere.

Propygidium and pygidium (Fig. 3A) both weakly convex, both reticulopunctate, pygidium becoming smooth in apical half. Male genitalia as on Figure 4.


Published as part of Tishechkin, Alexey K., 2009, Discovery of Chlamydopsinae (Insecta, Coleoptera, Histeridae) in Vanuatu with the description of eight new species from Espiritu Santo Island, pp. 661-690 in Zoosystema 31 (3) on pages 666-668, DOI: 10.5252/z2009n3a13,


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sp. nov.
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Chlamydopsis caterinoi Tishechkin, 2009