Published April 17, 2017 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Open source GIS based tools to improve hydrochemical water resources management in EU H2020 FREEWAT platform

  • 1. Barcelona Cicle de l'Aigua SA (BCASA) Barcelona, Spain , Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA) Barcelona, Spain, Hydrogeology Group (UPC-CSIC), Land Lab, Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, TEA Sistemi Spa, Pisa, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, Dipartimento Ambiente Costruzione e Design, Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana - Ticino, Switzerland


Due to the general increase of water scarcity (Steduto et al., 2012), water quantity and quality must be well known to ensure a proper access to water resources in compliance with local and regional directives. This circumstance can be supported by tools which facilitate process of data management and its analysis. Such analyses have to provide research/professionals, policy makers and users with the ability to improve the management of the water resources with standard regulatory guidelines. Compliance with the established standard regulatory guidelines (with a special focus on requirement deriving from the GWD) should have an effective monitoring, evaluation, and interpretation of a large number of physical and chemical parameters. These amounts of datasets have to be assessed and interpreted: (i) integrating data from different sources and gathered with different data access techniques and formats; (ii) managing data with varying temporal and spatial extent; (iii) integrating groundwater quality information with other relevant information such as further hydrogeological data (Velasco et al., 2014) and pre-processing these data generally for the realization of groundwater models.


Open source GIS based tools to improve hydrochemical water resources management in EU H2020 FREEWAT PLATFORM.pdf

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  • References: Rossetto R., Borsi I., Schifani C., Bonari E., Mogorovich P., Primicerio M. (2013). SID&GRID: Integrating hydrological modeling in GIS environment. Rendiconti Online Societa Geologica Italiana, Vol. 24, 282-283 Steduto, P., Faurès, J.M., Hoogeveen, J., Winpenny, J.T., Burke, J.J. (2012). Coping with water scarcity: an action framework for agriculture and food security. ISSN 1020-1203 ; 38 Velasco, V., Tubau, I., Vázquez-Suñé, E., Gogu, R., Gaitanaru, D., Alcaraz, M., Sanchez-Vila, X. (2014). GIS-based hydrogeochemical analysis tools (QUIMET). Computers & Geosciences, 70, 164-180.