Published May 30, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Effect of Familial Functioning on Academic Stress: A Study of Differently Abled Adolescents

  • 1. Assistant Professor Department of Psychology Mewar University Chittorgarh (Rajasthan)
  • 1. Publisher


Almost certainly about it, puberty is a period of high academic stress for teenagers and parents alike especially in case of physically challenged adolescents. Stress is the typical aftereffect of any fast change, and quick change is the thing that immaturity is about. As a parent, individuals watch that his kid adapts to the academic stress and, he trust, become more grounded from the experience. The current examination worried about academic stress among physically challenged adolescents. An example of 30 physically challenged adolescents (age 14 to 19 years) and 30 guardians (age 40 to 50 years) was taken by utilizing basic arbitrary inspecting strategy to gauge the academic stress and discover the impact of parent's psychological wellbeing, family pathology and locus of control on academic stress of these adolescents. The consequences of present examination show that there is huge contrast between Parent's Mental Health and Adolescent's Academic Stress. So it very well may be said that parent's emotional well-being and Family Pathology advances the degree of academic stress in youths. Be that as it may, there is no critical distinction between parent's locus of control and Adolescent's academic stress.



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Journal article: 2394-0913 (ISSN)


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