Published August 31, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Defining features in the kinetics of sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution carbonization and the quality of the resulting sodium bicarbonate crystals

  • 1. National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • 2. State Institution "State Scientific Research and Design Institute of Basic Chemistry"


This paper reports a study into the influence of temperature and gas consumption on the carbonization kinetics (saturation with carbon dioxide) of sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution. The study also examined the quality and speed of crystal formation in this process. This research is predetermined by the environmental problems faced by modern enterprises that produce purified sodium bicarbonate – an insufficient degree of carbonization and, as a result, excessive air pollution with carbon dioxide, which did not participate in the reaction during the process. This study addresses these particular issues. As a result of using specialized laboratory equipment, it was found that an increase in the absorbent temperature from 79 to 85 °C leads to a decrease in the maximum degree of carbonization of the solution from 64 to 59 %. In contrast, the quality of the resulting sodium bicarbonate crystals improves but only in the range from 79 to 82 °C. With a further increase in temperature, the quality stabilizes. It is shown that the carbonization rate increases with increasing specific consumption of the absorbent (carbon dioxide) and is characterized by a negative correlation with the value of oversaturation of the absorbent in terms of NaНCO3. The quality of sodium bicarbonate crystals decreases with increasing gas velocity. Thus, it was reasonable to assume that the established dependence of the kinetics of carbonization of Na2CO3 and NaНCO3 solution on the gas velocity in the apparatus is explained by the inhibition of СО2 absorption, which is caused by the diffusion resistance of sodium bicarbonate crystallization. To improve the quality of crystals and the productivity of carbonization by reducing the supersaturation in terms of NaНCO3, it is recommended to introduce a seed crystal in the zone of binding of crystals in the carbonization columns.


Defining features in the kinetics of sodium carbonate-bicarbonate solution carbonization and the quality of the resulting sodium bicarbonate crystals.pdf

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