Published April 15, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Assistant Professor, Mahesh College of Commerce and Management, Mangalore, Karnataka
  • 2. Assistant Professor, St. Aloysious College, Mangalore, Karnataka


Indian banking system has evolved from a small group of merchant banks to a huge network of commercial banks. Today’s era, is an era of financial inclusion where all possible measures are taken to provide banking services to the unbanked areas. Banks have managed to reach the remotest of the regions and that has been possible not only because of the measures of the banks and government but also because of the readiness of the customers (people) to adapt to the change. Hence, when the vast majority of Indian population has opened up for the change, it becomes imperative for the banks and government to take measures to protect and safeguard the interest of its banking customers. In the present socio economic scenario the customers often become the victims of many unfair tactics. In this background our paper attempts to analyse the problems faced by the consumer in the banking sectorand study the awareness of the various banking services and Customer redressal mechanisms of banks.



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