Published April 15, 2017 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Srinivas Institute of Management Studies, Pandeshwar, Mangalore, Karnataka


Cloud computing services refer to set of IT-enabled services delivered to a customer as services over the Internet on a leased basis and have the capability to extend up or down their service requirements or needs. Usually, cloud computing services are delivered by third party vendors who own the infrastructure. It has several advantages include scalability, elasticity, flexibility, efficiency and outsourcing non-core activities of an organization. Cloud computing offers an innovative business concept for organizations to adopt IT enabled services without advance investment. Being a model for enabling convenient, on-request network accessibility to a shared pool of IT computing resources like networks, servers, storage, applications, and services, cloud computing can be quickly provisioned and released with negligible management exertion or service provider interaction. Despite many benefits of cloud computing, the organizations are slow in accepting cloud computing service model because of security concerns and challenges associated with management of this technology. Security is one of the major issues which hinder the growth of cloud computing service model. The idea of handing over confidential data to third party is risky such that the consumers need to be more attentive in understanding the risks of data breaches in this new environment. This paper reviews the security issues and the challenges in the adoption and management of cloud computing services in an organization.



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