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Published June 16, 2020 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Wroughtonia hatinhensis Long & Van Achterberg & Carpenter & Oanh 2020, sp. nov.


Wroughtonia hatinhensis, sp. nov. Figures 48–58

TYPE MATERIAL: Holotype, ♀, “Hel.040” (IEBR), NC Vietnam: Ha Tinh, Huong Son, 18°22′N 106°13′E, 450 m, April 7–13, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long. Paratypes: 4♀: “Hel.041” (AMNH), same place, but 900 m, May 5, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long; “Hel.038” (AMNH), Ha Tinh, Huong Son, 18°22′N 106°13′E, 600 m, April 15–20, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long; “Hel.066” (IEBR), same place, but 900 m, April 15–20, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long; “Hel.027” (IEBR), NC Vietnam: Ha Tinh, Huong Son, 18°22′N 106°13′E, 900 m, April 20–28, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long; 2♂: “Hel.070” (AMNH), same place, but May 18, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long; “Hel.079” (IEBR), same place, but May 20, 1998, Malaise [trap], AMNH, K. Long; 2♀, “Hel.025” (VNMN), NE Vietnam: Tuyen Quang, Na Hang, Trung Phin, sweeping, 18.ix.2017, HTHCT; “Hel.001” (RMNH), NW Vietnam: Hoa Binh, Cuc Phuong NP, M[alaise] T[rap], 20°23′06″N 105°34′11″E, 315 m, 20–, K.D. Long.

DISTRIBUTION: NC Vietnam: Ha Tinh (Huong Son); NE Vietnam: Tuyen Quang (Na Hang NP); NW Vietnam: Hoa Binh (Cuc Phuong NP).

BIOLOGY: Unknown.

DIAGNOSIS: Females have antenna with 34–37 segments and antennal segments 10–22 cream white; males have antenna with 38–39 segments and antennal segments 10–27 cream white; maxillary palp 1.9 × as long as head; malar space 0.9 × as long as mandible width and 0.35 × height of eye; frontal protuberance bifurcate, broader apically, as high as lateral frontal carina; in dorsal view width of head 1.3 × its median length; height of eye 2.0 × as long as temple; in lateral view width of eye 1.6 × as long as temple. Mesosoma 2.1 × longer than high; notauli crenulate anteriorly, fused posteriorly with median carina in wide and coarsely rugose area; scutellum sparsely punctate; propodeum with distinct areola and coarsely rugose. Length of forewing 3.2 × its maximum width; pterostigma 3.7 × as long as wide; vein 3-SR shorter vein r; vein 2-M 3.1 × 3-SR; hind wing: vein 1-M 0.5 × vein 1r-m; vein 2-SC+R short, nearly quadrate, hind wing with 4 hamuli. Foretarsus 1.4 × as long as foretibia; hind femur with ventral serrations and acute tooth-shaped protuberance; length of hind femur (without tooth or serrations) 3.7 × its maximum width; hind coxa densely punctate laterally; hind femur largely rugose-punctate. First metasomal tergite as long as its apical width; dorsal carinae in basal 0.7 of tergite; first tergite smooth medially, sparsely rugose basally and laterally, transversely rugose apically; median length of second tergite 0.35 × its basal width; median length of second tergite 0.8 × third tergite; second tergite largely smooth, but with faint divergent striae baso-laterally; third tergite largely smooth.

NOTES: W. hatinhensis, sp. nov., runs to couplet 16a of the key by Yan et al. (2017), but differs from all species after couplet 16 by the following characters: (1) in dorsal view length of eye 2× as long as temple; (2) second metasomal tergite with divergent striae baso-laterally (fig. 55); (3) hind coxa pale yellow and hind femur brown (except pale yellow base of latter) and (4) antennal segments 10–22 cream white.

DESCRIPTION: Holotype, ♀, body length 8.7 mm, forewing length 8.1 mm, ovipositor sheath 5.3 mm (fig. 48).

Head: Antenna with 36 segments; third antennal segment 1.05 × fourth segment (20:19); frontal protuberance bifurcate, broader apically, as high as lateral frontal carina; in frontal view height of eye 2.1 × its transverse width (42:20); width of face 1.8 × length of face and clypeus combined (49:27); malar space 0.9 × as long as mandible width (15:17) and 0.35 × height of eye (15:42) (fig. 50); maxillary palp 1.9 × as long as head (68:35); in dorsal view width of head 1.3 × as long as its median length (85:64); height of eye 2.0 × as long as temple (36:18); ocelli in high triangle, POL:OD:OOL = 7:6:18; distance between front and hind ocelli 0.2 × as long as OOL (4:18) (fig. 49); in lateral view length of eye 1.5 × its transverse width (50:33); width of eye 1.2 × temple (33:27) (fig. 51); face coarsely rugose, narrow area between antennal sockets and eye margin crenulate; clypeus rugose; malar space coarsely rugose; frons smooth; vertex and temple almost smooth, with scattered fine punctures.

Mesosoma: Mesosoma 2.1 × longer than high (87:41); pronotal side coarsely carinate medially, rugose-punctate dorsally and largely rugose ventrally (fig. 53); mesopleuron narrowly depressed and smooth medially, sparsely punctate dorsally, punctate-reticulate ventrally; metapleuron foveate-reticulate; median lobes of mesoscutum sparsely punctate, but posteriorly near notauli largely rugose; lateral lobes of mesoscutum almost smooth; notauli crenulate anteriorly, fused posteriorly with median carina in wide coarsely rugose area (fig. 52); scutellar sulcus with 3 carinae, 0.5 × scutellum (12:23); scutellum sparsely punctate; propodeum with distinct areola and coarsely rugose (fig. 56).

Wings. Forewing: length of forewing 3.2 × its maximum width (81:25); pterostigma 3.7 × as long as wide (56:15); vein r arising behind middle of pterostigma (fig. 57); vein 3-SR shorter vein r; r:2-SR:3-SR:SR1:r-m = 16:27:13:87:15; 1-CU1:cu-a:2-CU1 = 5:17:27;, vein 2-M 3.1 × 3-SR (40:13). Hind wing: vein 1-M 0.5 × vein 1r-m (12:24) (fig. 58); vein 2-SC+R short, nearly quadrate; hind wing with 4 hamuli.

Legs: Foretarsus 1.4 × longer than foretibia (51:36); hind femur with ventral serrations and acute tooth-shaped protuberance (fig. 54); length of hind femur (without tooth or serrations), tibia, and basitarsus 3.7 (88:24), 9.8 (137:14) and 7.3 × (44:6) as long as their maximum width, respectively; hind coxa densely punctate laterally; hind femur largely rugose-punctate (fig. 54); hind basitarsus 0.3 × hind tibia (44:137), and 0.8 × as long as second–fifth hind tarsal segments (44:58); fourth hind tarsal segment 0.6 × as long as telotarsus (8:14).

Metasoma: Metasoma 0.7 × as long as head and mesosoma combined (44:61); first tergite as long as its apical width (37:37) (fig. 55); dorsal carinae in basal 0.7 of tergite (22:33); first tergite smooth medially, sparsely rugose basally and laterally, transversely rugose apically; median length of second tergite 0.35 × its basal width (14:40); and 0.8 × third (14:17) (fig. 55); second tergite largely smooth, with faint divergent striae baso-laterally; second suture distinct; third tergite and remainder of metasoma largely smooth; ovipositor sheath 0.65 × as long as forewing (53:81).

Color: Body dark brown, scapus light brown; antenna brown, light brown basally with 11th–22nd antennal segments cream white; palpi pale yellow; foreleg pale yellow, but tibia yellow; hind coxa, trochanter and trochantellus yellow; hind femur largely brown, but yellow basally; hind tibia yellow basally, brown apically; hind tarsus whitish yellow; pterostigma and wing veins brown; wing membrane hyaline; first and second metasomal tergites brown; tergites 3–6 light brown; ovipositor sheath brown.

ETYMOLOGY: The new species named after the type locality (Ha Tinh province) in north-central Vietnam.

VARIATION: Paratype ♀, “Hel.027,” body length 9.5 mm, forewing length 7.3 mm, ovipositor sheath 4.7 mm. Female antenna with 34–37 segments, 10th–22nd antennal segments cream white; male antenna with 38–39 segments; 10th–27th antennal segments cream white.


Published as part of Long, Khuat Dang, Van Achterberg, Cornelis, Carpenter, James M. & Oanh, Nguyen Thi, 2020, Review of the genus Wroughtonia Cameron, 1899 (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Helconinae), with the description of 12 new species from Vietnam, pp. 1-56 in American Museum Novitates 2020 (3953) on pages 19-21, DOI: 10.1206/3953.1,


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Collection code
Event date
Scientific name authorship
Long & Van Achterberg & Carpenter & Oanh
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Verbatim event date
Taxonomic concept label
Wroughtonia hatinhensis Long, Achterberg, Carpenter & Oanh, 2020


  • Yan, C. - J., C. van Achterberg, J. - H. He, and X. - X. Chen. 2017. Review of the tribe Helconini Foerster s. s. from China, with the description of 18 new species. Zootaxa 4291 (3): 401 - 457.