Published November 15, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Pristaulacus stangei Smith 2008, new species


Pristaulacus stangei SMITH, new species

(Figs 115-119)


All orange; antenna with white band. Forewing black with paler to hyaline spot at center of anterior margin just basal to stigma; costa and stigma orange. Head shining. Mesonotum densely punctate, without transverse carinae. Hind coxa smooth, shining, with very fine cross striations. Pronotum with a blunt anteriorly projecting tooth.


Length, 10.5 mm; forewing length, 9.0 mm; ovipositor length, 7.0 mm. Color: Antenna with scape and pedicel orange; flagellar segment 3 and outer surface of 4 and 5 black, inner surface of 4 and 5 and all of 6-7 orange, segments 8 and 9 white, segments 10 to apex black. Head, body, and legs orange; tarsi yellowish; ovipositor sheath black with white streak on outer surface of basal half. Forewing black at base and black central spot on apical half with intervening hyaline to yellowish spots from radial cell to stigma and posteriorly to ventral apical area (Fig. 119). stigma and veins in hyaline to yellowish part orange to brownish, those in black areas black; hind wing uniformly black, veins black. Head: Antennal length 2.5X head width. Lower interocular distance subequal to eye height; malar space about 0.3X eye height (Fig. 115). Head from above broad behind eyes, then roundly narrowing, head length about 0.7X eye length (Fig. 116). Occipital carina very small, less than a fifth diameter of an ocellus. Shining with white pubescence, practically impunctate; few very fine widely scatter punctures on frons, slightly denser on supraclypeal area and clypeus (Figs 115, 116). Mesosoma: Anterior margin of pronotum with short, blunt anteriorly projecting tooth. Propleuron shining, with very fine scattered punctures. Rest of mesosoma shining, evenly reticulate, posterior margin of mesopleuron narrowly scrobiculate and upper part of pronotum and metapleuron more punctate (Figs 117, 118). Hind coxa smooth and shining, 2X longer than broad, with diagonal ovipositor guide near apex on inner surface. Hind basitarsus about 1.2X length of remaining tarsal segments combined. Tarsal claws with 5 teeth, lower tooth smallest. Forewing with cells 1M and 1Rs contiguous not separated by vein Rs+M (Fig. 119). Hind wing with veins distinct, cells Cu and R1+Rs contiguous (as in Fig. 110). Metasoma: Segments 2 to apex with fine white pubescence and fine punctures. Ovipositor length 0.8X forewing length.

Male: Unknown.

Types: Holotype: Female, labeled “ Honduras: Francisco, Morazan, 25 km. S. Talanga (Hacienda Hachado), 11-V-1993, L. Stange & R. Miller ” (FSCA). Paratype: #15 – “Los Mayos, Sinaloa, Mex., VII-24-52, J. D. Lattin, Collector” (1 ♀, UCB).

Etymology: Named for LIONEL STANGE, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, FL.


The paratype has the costal cell more infuscate than the yellowish costal cell of the holotype. I have not seen other species of Pristaulacus with the maculation as in Fig. 119.


Published as part of Smith, David R., 2008, Aulacidae of the southwestern United States, Mexico, and Central America (Hymenoptera), pp. 267-355 in Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 58 (2) on pages 323-324, DOI: 10.21248/contrib.entomol.58.2.267-355,


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sp. nov.
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holotype , paratype
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Pristaulacus stangei Smith, 2008