Published May 8, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Aegidinus howdenorum Colby 2009, new species



Aegidinus howdenorum Colby, new species

Fig. 52-55, 68, 88

Type Material. Holotype female at HAHC labeled: a) “ Colombia, N. de // S. 1000 m. 3 km. // N. Chinacota // May 10, 1974 // H. & A. Howden ” (printed, rectangular label)/ b) “ H. & A. Howden Collection Ottawa, Canada ” (printed, rectangular label with a black border)/ c) my handwritten holotype label. Male allotype from CMNC labeled: a) as (a) above/ b) “ Aegidinus // guianensis // (Westw.) Det. H. F. Howden 70” (handwritten and printed, rectangular label with a black border)/ c) my handwritten allotype label.

Paratypes. One male paratype at HAHC labeled: a) “ Colombia, N. de // S. 1000 m. 3 km. // N. Chinacota // May 10, 1974 ” (printed, rectangular label)/ b) “S. Peck Carrion // traps #10” (handwritten and printed rectangular label)/ c) “H. & A. Howden Collection Ottawa, Canada ” (printed, rectangular label with a black border)/ d) “ Aegidinus // n. sp// Det. F. C. Ocampo” (handwritten and printed, rectangular label with a black border)/ e) my printed paratype label.

Type locality. Colombia, Norte de Santander, Chinacota (3 km N).

Description. Holotype female. Length 7.6 mm; width 4.3 mm. Color: Head, pronotum and elytra piceous to reddish brown. Venter and legs reddish brown. Head: Frons impunctate to sparsely or moderately densely punctate, punctures small. Frontoclypeal suture obsolete. Clypeus moderately densely punctate to rugopunctate; punctures small. Pronotum: Surface punctate; punctures moderate to dense, moderate to large, concentrated on sides. Basal margin with bead and row of punctures, punctures obsolete adjacent to scutellum. Disc with round, punctate depression; punctures moderate to dense, moderate in size. Anterior margin with median boss. Elytra: Punctures of striae elongate, vermiform, occasionally U- or Vshaped at base. Stria 1 obsolete at base. Lateral margin adjacent to humerus with 5 setose crenulations. Legs: Protibia lacks apical denticle. Genitalia: Fig. 68.

Allotype. Male. Length 9.1 mm; width 4.7 mm. Allotype differs from holotype in the following respects: Head: Frons slightly concave medially. Frons impunctate at base, sparse to moderately densely punctate anteriorly, punctures small. Clypeus punctate to rugopunctate; punctures moderate to dense, small. Anterior margin of clypeus with subtriangular, nearly erect horn, carina extending from base to horn laterally to each eye canthus. Pronotum: Both the bead and row of punctures on basal margin obsolete adjacent to scutellum. Disc with subtriangular fovea, posterior edge bordered by a subtriangular tumosity on either side. Fovea with a few large, dense, round to transverse punctures. Scutellum: Surface with a few moderately dense, small punctures. Elytra: Elytral punctures elongate, vermiform, kidney-shaped, round, or oval, occasional V-shaped at base. Lateral margin adjacent to humerus with 4 (left) or 5 (right) setose crenulations. Legs: Protibia with apical denticle. Genitalia: Fig. 52-55.

Paratype. One male. Length 6.8 mm; width 3.5 mm. Paratype differs from allotype in the following respects: Head: Anterior margin of clypeus without horn, clypeus slightly tumid. Pronotum: Disc with longitudinal, ovate depression. Elytra: Striae 1 and 2 obsolete at base. Lateral margin adjacent to humerus with 4 setose crenulations.

Diagnosis. This species is best distinguished by using the female and male genitalia. Females are most similar to A. candezei and A. venezuelensis. Female A. howdenorum (Fig. 68) do not have a longitudinal carina on the superior sclerite, a character that separates them from A. candezei (which does have a longitudinal carina, Fig. 66). The spinulose region on the superior plate of A. howdenorum projects outward, while in A. venezuelensis (Fig. 77), the spinulose region projects downwards. The male genitalia are similar to those of A. oreibates and A. crypticus. In A. howdenorum (Fig. 52-55) the ventral plate is rounder than in A.oreibates (Fig. 58-60). Aegidinus howdenorum has a notch on the lateral lobe (best seen in lateral view, Fig. 55), which is not present in A. crypticus (Fig. 49).

Etymology. This species is named in honor of Henry and Anne Howden. The type series for this species (and a great deal of the material for this revision) came from their collection.

Distribution (Fig. 88). Colombia. Three specimens examined from HAHC and CMNC. COLOMBIA (3): Norte de Santander: Chinacota (3 km N) (3).

Temporal Distribution. May (3).

Natural History. All three specimens were collected at an elevation of 1000 m, and one was collected in a carrion trap.

Remarks. The female was the most complete of all three specimens, and thus is selected as the holotype.


Published as part of Colby, Julia, 2009, Monographic revision of the genus Aegidinus Arrow (1904) and generic phylogeny of the world Orphninae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Orphninae)., pp. 1-41 in Insecta Mundi 2009 (76) on pages 22-24, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5352584


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Aegidinus howdenorum Colby, 2009