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Published August 15, 2008 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Scathophaga lutaria


Scathophaga lutaria (Fabricius, 1794)

Musca lutaria Fabricius, 1794: 344. ‘LECTOTYPE’: Germany, ‘Kiliae [= Kiel]’, designated by J. R. Vockeroth; designation not published (ZMHB).

Musca comito Harris, 1780: 117.? HOLOTYPE: ♀, Great Britain, SE England (depository unknown). Unavailable name; synonymized by PONT & MICHELSEN (1982: 31).

Note. The figure in the original publication shows a female from England. The name comito is a verb and thus not available according to ICZN (ICZN 1999; Article 11.9). Harris’ collection is generally considered to have been destroyed (PONT & MICHELSEN 1982: 26).

Scatomyza maculipes Zetterstedt, 1846: 1964. HOLOTYPE: J, Norway, ‘diversorium Suulstuen [= guesthouse at Suulstuen]’, labelled as follows: 1 st label ‘ C. maculipes J Suul norv.’; 2 nd label ‘Suul, Iug. alp. Norv. 11.- 15.7.40’ [= Norway, NTI (= Nord-Tröndelag, indre), Verdel, Sulstua] (MZLU) (H. Andersson 1974, pers. comm.). Synonymized by HACKMAN (1956: 18).

Scatophagella pallipes Szilády, 1926: 597, syn. nov. HOLOTYPE: J, Tunis, Ujhelyi leg.

Note. The type material was destroyed in Budapest in 1956.All characters of S. pallipes are within the limits of variability of S. lutaria and I therefore consider S. pallipes as a junior synonym of S. lutaria.

New records. ITALY: Sicily, 8.v.1840, 1 J, Schiner det. as ‘ lutaria ’; Sicily, Taormina, 22.-30.iv.1921, 1 ♀, Wagner leg.; Sicily, Taormina, 22.-30.iv.[19]21, 1 J, Czerny leg. (NHMW). ISRAEL: Har Meron, 1100 m a.s.l.,, 1 J, Merz & Freiberg leg. (FSPC). LEBANON: Beirut, iv.1885, 2JJ, Dr. F. Lauthmed leg. (NHMW). SLOVENIA: Görz [= Nova Gorica], viii.1878, 1 ♀ (NHMW). SPAIN: Algeciras, 25.-30.iv.25, 1 ♀; 1.- 10.v.25, 1 ♀; 12.-20.v.1925, 1 J 1 ♀, all Czerny leg. (NHMW). RUSSIA: EUROPEAN PART, Moskva, Izmailovo, 17.ix.1986, 1 J, Barták leg. (FSPC). TURKEY: ANTALYA, Kanacay environs, near river, 600 m a.s.l., 4.v.1996, 1 ♀, Mocek leg. (FSPC).

Distribution. Algeria (SÉGUY 1934: 698); Austria (FRANZ 1989: 119); Bosnia-Hercegovina (STROBL 1900: 617); Czech Republic (ŠIFNER 2003a: 71); Denmark (DE JONG 2005); Estonia (ELBERG 1965: 352); Finland (HACKMAN 1980: 131); France (BECKER et al. 1910: 661, SÉGUY 1934: 698); Germany (PÜCHEL 1999: 187); Great Britain (CHANDLER 1998: 164); Hungary (DELY- DRASKOVITS 1981: 39, PAPP 2001a: 385); Ireland (CHANDLER 1998: 164); Israel (this paper); Italy (GORODKOV et al. 1995: 4); Lebanon (ŠIFNER 1981: 101); Netherlands (DE MEIJERE 1907: 164); Norway (NELSON & GREVE 2002: 46); Poland (DRABER- MONKO 1991: 232); Russia – European Russia, West Siberia (GORODKOV 1970: 451, this paper); Serbia (SÉGUY 1934: 698); Slovakia (ŠIFNER 2003a: 71); Slovenia (this paper); Spain (MORGE 1967: 169, CARLES- TOLRÁ 2006: 158); Sweden (HEDSTRÖM 1991: 144); Switzerland (MERZ & BÄCHLI 1998: 312); Tunisia (SÉGUY 1934: 698); Turkey (this paper).


Published as part of Šifner, František, 2008, A catalogue of the Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Palaearctic region, with notes on their taxonomy and faunistics, pp. 111-196 in Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 48 (1) on page 167, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5342493


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Collection code
Event date
1840-05-08 , 1921-04-22 , 1925-05-12 , 1986-09-17 , 1996-05-04 , 1996-06-11
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Type status
Verbatim event date
1840-05-08 , 1921-04-22/30 , 1925-05-12/20 , 1986-09-17 , 1996-05-04 , 1996-06-11
Taxonomic concept label
Scathophaga lutaria (Fabricius, 1794) sec. Šifner, 2008


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  • HARRIS M. 1780: An Exposition of English incests including the several classes of Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, & Diptera, or bies, flies, & libellulae. London. Decad 4: 100 - 138.
  • PONT A. C. & MICHELSEN V. 1982: The Muscoidea described by Moses Harris (Diptera: Fanniidae, Scathophagidae, Anthomyidae, Muscidae). Steenstrupia 8: 25 - 46.
  • ICZN 1999: International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Fourth Edition. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, London, 306 pp.
  • ZETTERSTEDT J. W. 1846: Diptera Scandinaviae. Disposita et descripta. Vol. 5. Lundae, 1739 - 2162 pp.
  • ANDERSSON H. 1974: Revision of the North European species of Cosmetopus Becker (Dipt., Scatophagidae). Entomologica Scandinavica 5: 95 - 102.
  • HACKMAN W. 1956: The Scatophagidae (Diptera) of Eastern Fennoscandia. Fauna Fennica Vol. 2. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsingforsiae, 67 pp.
  • SZILADY Z. 1926: Dipterenstudien. II. Bemerkungen uber einige Scatophagiden des Ungarischen National Museum. Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 24: 593 - 597.
  • SEGUY E. 1934: Dipteres (Brachyceres) (Muscidae Acalypterae et Scatophagidae). In: CHOPARD L. (ed.): Faune de France. Vol. 28. Paul Lechevalier et Fils, Paris, 832 pp + xxvii pls.
  • FRANZ H. 1989: Die Nordost-Alpen in Spiegel ihrer Landtierwelt. Band 6 / 2. Eine Gebietsmonographie, umfassend Fauna, Faunengeschichte, Lebensgemeinschaften und Beeinflussung der Tierwelt durch den Menschen. Universitatsverlag Wagner, Innsbruck, 445 pp.
  • STROBL G. 1900: Dipterofauna von Bosnien, Hercegovina und Dalmatien. Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen aus Bosnien und Herzegovina 7: 552 - 670.
  • SIFNER F. 2003 a: The family Scathophagidae (Diptera) of the Czech and Slovak Republics (with notes on selected Palaearctic taxa). Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae, Series B - Historia Naturalis 59: 1 - 90.
  • JONG H. DE 2005: Fauna Europaea: Diptera Brachycera. Fauna Europaea version 1. 2. Available online at http: // www. faunaeur. org (Last update: 7 March 2005).
  • ELBERG K. 1965: Nekotorie itogi izuchenia mukh semeystva Scatophagidae (Diptera, Calyptrata) v Estonii. (Ergebnisse einer Untersuchungen der Fliegenfamilien Scatophagidae (Diptera, Calyptrata) in Estland). Eesti NSV Teaduste Akademia Toimetised, Biologine Seeria 14: 346 - 356 (in Russian, German and Estonian summaries).
  • HACKMAN W. 1980: A check list of the Finnish Diptera. II. Cyclorrhapha. Notulae Entomologicae 60: 117 - 162.
  • BECKER T., KUNTZE R., SCHNABL J. & VILLENEUVE E. 1910: Dipterologische Sammelreise nach Korsika (Dipt.). Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 1910: 635 - 665.
  • PUCHEL F. 1999: Scathophagidae. Pp. 186 - 187. In: STARK A. & MENZEL F. (eds.): Dipterologische Monographien. Studia Dipterologica, Supplement 2: 1 - 354.
  • CHANDLER P. 1998: Scathophagidae. Pp. 163 - 165. In: HOLLIS D. (ed.): Checklist of Insects of the British Isles (New Series), Part 1: Diptera (Incorporating a List of Irish Diptera). Royal Entomological Society, London, 234 pp.
  • GORODKOV K. B., PONT A. C. & ROZKOSNY R. 1995: Diptera Muscoidea. In: MINELLI A., RUFO S. & LA POSTA S. (eds.): Checklist della specie della fauna italiana. Fasc. 77. Calderini, Bologna, 18 pp.
  • SIFNER F. 1981: Les resultats de l'expedition entomologique Tchecoslovaque - iranienne a l'Iran en 1973. Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 40: 95 - 104.
  • MEIJERE J. C. H. DE 1907: Eerste Supplement op de Nieuwe Naamlijst van Nederlandche Diptera. [The first supplement to the new checklist of Dutch flies]. Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 50: 151 - 195 (in Dutch, with German descriptions).
  • NELSON J. M. & GREVE L. 2002: New species of dung flies (Diptera, Scathophagidae) from Norway with a checklist of the Norwegian Scathophagidae. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 49: 41 - 47.
  • GORODKOV K. B. 1970: Sem. Scatophagidae (Cordyluridae, Scatomyzidae, Scopeumatidae). Pp. 440 - 458. In: BEY-BIENKO G. Y. (ed.): Opredelitel' nasekomykh evropeyskoy chasti SSSR. [Keys to the insects of the European part of the USSR]. Vol. 5, 2 chast' [Vol. 5, part 2]. Nauka, Leningrad, 943 pp (in Russian).
  • MORGE G. 1967: Diptera Collectionis P. Gabriel Strobl - I. (Vorwort und Exemplare Nr. 1 bis 1890). Beitrage zur Entomologie 17: 151 - 224.
  • HEDSTROM L. 1991: Svenska insektfynd - rapport 7. (Swedish insect records - report 7). Entomologisk Tidskrift 112: 133 - 146 (in Swedish, English abstract).