Published September 2, 2011
| Version v1
Journal article
Gape size influences seasonal patterns of piscivore diets in three Neotropical rivers
Montaña, Carmen G., Layman, Craig A., Winemiller, Kirk O. (2011): Gape size influences seasonal patterns of piscivore diets in three Neotropical rivers. Neotropical Ichthyology 9 (3): 647-655, DOI: 10.1590/S1679-62252011005000028, URL:
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- Submitted December 9, 2010 Accepted May17, 2011 Published September 16, 2011 Appendix 1. List of fish species indentified in the stomach contents of four focal species. Items are reported as percent (%) diet composition based on dietary volumetric proportions. Unidentified fish and crustaceans were excluded from family level quantification. Name abbreviations: Cichla temensis (C.tem), Cichla orinocensis (C.orin), Boulengerella cuvieri (B.cuv), and Boulengerella lucius (B.luc).