Published January 15, 2021 | Version v1
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The genus Cystoseira s.l. (Ochrophyta, Fucales, Sargassaceae) in the Black Sea: morphological variability and molecular taxonomy of Gongolaria barbata and endemic Ericaria crinita f. bosphorica comb. nov.

  • 1. M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Department of Phycology, Lichenology and Bryology, Kyiv, Ukraine &;
  • 2. Centro de Ciências do Mar, Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Faro, Portugal &;
  • 3. Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy &;
  • 4. Centro de Ciências do Mar, Universidade do Algarve - Campus de Gambelas, Faro, Portugal &;
  • 5. Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research, the National Institute of Oceanography, Tel Shikmona, Haifa, Israel &


Sadogurska, Sofia S., Neiva, João, Falace, Annalisa, Serrão, Ester A., Israel, Álvaro (2021): The genus Cystoseira s.l. (Ochrophyta, Fucales, Sargassaceae) in the Black Sea: morphological variability and molecular taxonomy of Gongolaria barbata and endemic Ericaria crinita f. bosphorica comb. nov. Phytotaxa 480 (1): 1-21, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.480.1.1, URL:



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