Published January 1, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Game with a Purpose to Access Europe's Cultural Treasure


Europeana, the European aggregator for dig- ital cultural heritage objects spends huge ef- fort on providing access to the vast collection of Europe's Culture. While the content has been made available online, it still needs to be disseminated. We propose a \games with a purpose" approach to engage people with this tremendous collection and make them dis- cover European culture. This approach is im- plemented by a question and answering sys- tem, in which players create questions that are answered by speci c Europeana resources. Other players can then use a search interface to Europeana to nd the particular resource that is needed to answer the question. This concept provides a low level entrance to cul- tural heritage for end users. Moreover it re- veals human search strategies on Europeana that can be exploited to support and improve the search experience of other users on Euro- peana and helps to identify objects of interest by analyzing usage data.



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