Auditory speed processing in sighted and blind individuals
- 1. Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Università degli studi di Genova
- 2. Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
- data_ellipses_fitting.txt: the dataset reports the values of the ellipses' fitting for each subject. Ellipses were fitted by the function fit_ellipse in Matlab (Gal O. fit_ellipse. MATLAB Central File Exchange. 2020. Available from: For each subject, radiant, degree tilt, minor axis, major axis, area of the ellipse were reported.
- data_psychometric_fitting.txt: the dataset reports the values of the psychometric fitting to the proportion of "faster" responses as a function of the radial distance r. For each subject, JND, PSE, chi squared, R, R squared values of the best fitting function were reported. Converted JND values were also specified, after the conversion applied to the negative JNDs.
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