Figure 1 in Taxonomy and phylogeny of three heterotrich ciliates (Protozoa, Ciliophora), with description of a new Blepharisma species
Figure 1. Morphology and infraciliature of Anigsteinia clarissima (A–D), Blepharisma penardi sp. nov. (E, F, K, L), and Blepharisma undulans (G–J). A, left view of a typical individual of A. clarissima. B, paroral membrane of A. clarissima, anterior (double arrowheads) and posterior (arrow) parts are formed of dikinetids with only left basal body ciliated, middle part (arrowhead) formed by trikinetid fragments with all basal bodies ciliated. C, D, general infraciliature of A. clarissima, arrows show paroral membrane. E, left view of a typical individual of B. penardi sp. nov. F, L, dorsal (F) and ventral (L) views of infraciliature of B. penardi sp. nov. from the same specimen, arrow marks paroral membrane. G, left view of a typical individual of B. undulans. H, paroral membrane of B. undulans, anterior part with only right basal bodies ciliated and posterior part with both basal bodies ciliated. I, J, right (I) and left (J) views of B. undulans showing the infraciliature, arrow points to paroral membrane. K, paroral membrane of B. penardi sp. nov., anterior part consists of ciliated monokinetids, posterior part consists of dikinetids with only left basal body ciliated. Abbreviations: AZM, adoral zone of membranelles; CV, contractile vacuole; LCV, lacunar contractile vacuole system; SK, somatic kineties. Scale bars = 100 μm (A, C, D), 70 μm (E, G, I, J, L), 50 μm (B, H, K).
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