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Published August 31, 2021 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

RESISTIRE D2.1 - Summary Report mapping cycle 1

  • 1. Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • 1. Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • 2. Universidad de Deusto
  • 3. European Science Foundation


This report analyses the first cycle of the mapping of COVID-19 policies and societal responses at the national and regional level and the responses from civil society. The aim of the report is to describe and analyse the gender dimensions and impacts of policies and societal responses implemented in Europe in the course of and in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a view to informing the work in WP 3 and 4 and feeding debates in the first cycle of Open Studios.  

In line with the theoretical conceptualisation of the Resistiré project, the report builds on an intersectional approach (Hankivsky et al., 2014) and its theoretical framework focuses on specific domains of gender inequalities (gender-based violence, work and the labour market, the economy, the gender pay and pension gap, the gender care gap, decision-making and politics, environmental justice, human and fundamental rights), and specific vulnerability grounds (sex and/or gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, nationality, class, age, religion/belief, disability). 



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RESISTIRE – RESpondIng to outbreaks through co-creaTIve sustainable inclusive equality stRatEgies 101015990
European Commission