Published December 26, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding


Objective. The article considers the analytical work of the Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding (NUS) on the publishing activity of the university at the international scientometric platforms. Methods of the research are based on a systematic approach, structural-functional and scientometric analysis of methods for evaluating the effectiveness and publication activity of academic staff and the university as a whole. Results. During the study, the authors proved: 1. Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov NUS actively implements innovative forms of activity, develops and diversifies the library service to aid the university research work; 2. The role of the Scientific Library as an active partner at the stages of the life cycle of scientific research of university scientists is growing; 3. Analytical work of the Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov NUS on the publishing activity of the university emphasizes and strengthens the role of the library in the processes of increasing the representation of university scientists in the global space of scientific communications, the introduction of scientometric and bibliometric research methods. Conclusions. Originality of the work lies in the expansion of ideas about the analytical work of the Scientific Library of Admiral Makarov NUS on the publishing activity of the university, which today is an important factor for further objective evaluation of the effectiveness of the academic library. This provides an opportunity to better understand the specifics of the scientific activities of HEI libraries as resource and information centres. Practical value. The obtained results can be used to increase the publishing activity of HEI at the international scientometric platforms.


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