Published September 1, 2021 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Histopathology images for end-to-end AI, based on TCGA-BRCA

  • 1. University Hospital RWTH Aachen


These are histopathological images which are derived from the TCGA-BRCA breast cancer histology dataset at (please check this website for the original data license). They can be used for end-to-end artificial intelligence (AI) workflows such as DeepMed ( which aim to predict high-level features directly from digital images with weakly supervised transfer learning. Here, we use two subsets of these digitized images:

1) TCGA-BRCA-A2, these are all images from Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (tissue source site code A2, N=100 images) in the TCGA-BRCA database (

2) TCGA-BRCA-E2, these are all images from Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center (tissue source site code E2, N=90 images) in the TCGA-BRCA database (

see also 

The images were preprocessed according to the Aachen Protocol for Deep Learning Histopathology which is available at Specifically, digital whole slide images (SVS format) of hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) stained slides were tessellated (without manual annotations) into tiles of 256x256 px edge length at 1 µm/px. Then, images were color-normalized using the Macenko method as described before ( and saved as JPEG files. For the A2 cohort, an additional ZIP archive is provided in which only 100 random image tiles are saved for each patient ( In addition, we provide a CLINI and a SLIDE table as defined in the "Aachen Protocol". The CLINI table contains clinico-pathological data for all included patients and it is derived from clinical information on as well as from Thorsson et al. ( We recommend to use the A2 dataset for training and the E2 dataset for testing. Please cite the relevant papers if you re-use this dataset, more information is available on


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