Published February 4, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Lanceola Say 1818


Key to the species of the genus Lanceola

1. Pereopods 3 & 4; dactylus length about 0.75x propodus .......................................... L. longidactyla Vinogradov, 1964

- Pereopods 3 & 4; dactylus length much less than 0.5x propodus.................................................................................2

2. Pereopods 3 & 4 subchelate, formed by narrow, curved propodus folded against enlarged carpus, with row of strong setae along posterior margin ........................................................................................... L. chelifera Vinogradov, 1970

- Pereopods 3 & 4 not subchelate, with normal, relatively narrow carpus and propodus...............................................3

3. Pereopod 5; dactylus not fully retractile, only partly hooded.......................................................................................4

- Pereopods 5–7 all with similar, fully retractile and hooded dactyls.............................................................................6

4. Pereopods 6 & 7; only proximal part of dactylus retractile .................................................. L. falsa Vinogradov, 1970

- Pereopods 6 & 7 with normal, fully retractile and hooded dactyls...............................................................................5

5. Pereopod 5 weakly subchelate, formed by partly hooded, curved dactylus pressed against anterior margin of slightly distally swollen propodus. Antennae 2 slightly longer than A1 ................................... L. sphaerica Vinogradov, 1957

- Pereopod 5; dactylus relatively straight, not hooded, partly retractile proximally. Antennae 2 slightly shorter than A1 ........................................................................................................................................................... L. gruneri sp. nov.

6. Antennae 2; distal peduncular article with distinct lobe overlapping almost half following article medially............... ...................................................................................................................................... L. intermedia Vinogradov, 1960

- Antennae 2; distal peduncular article without medial lobe or with relatively small lobe.............................................7

7. Pereopod 7; length about 0.75x P6. Antennae 2 only slightly longer or subequal in length to A1................................ ................................................................................................................................................. L. clausi Bovallius, 1885

- Pereopod 7; length about 0.5x P6. Antennae 2 considerably longer than A1...............................................................8

8. Telson shorter than peduncle of U3..............................................................................................................................9

- Telson as long or longer than peduncle of U3.............................................................................................................11

9. Telson length about 0.5x peduncle of U3 ............................................................................... L. loveni Bovallius, 1885

- Telson length about 0.75x (or more) peduncle of U3.................................................................................................10

10. Pereonite 6 to urosomite 1 produced into dorsal denticles. Gnathopod 1; carpus with broadened distal margin, at least twice width propodus. Eyes reniform ........................................................................... L. serrata Bovallius, 1885

- Pereonites, pleonites and urosomites without dorsal denticles. Gnathopod 1; carpus with distal margin only slightly wider than propodus. Eyes with crystalline cones .................................................................. L. felina Bovallius, 1885

11. Pereopod 5; merus broadened, elongated-oval. Pleonite 1 with dorsal depression....... L. laticarpa Vinogradov, 1957

- Pereopod 5; merus linear, not broadened. Pleonite 1 without dorsal depression........................................................12

12. Head without rostrum. Pereopods 3–5; anterodistal corner of merus produced into small, sharp corner. Eyes reniform .............................................................................................................................................. L. pacifica Stebbing, 1888

- Head produced into distinct hook-shaped or rounded rostrum. Pereopods 3–5; anterodistal corner of merus not noticeably produced. Eyes with crystalline cones..................................................................................................... 13

13. Head produced into hook-shaped rostrum. Antennae 1; distal three articles fused. Pereopod 6; merus linear, without anterior bulge ........................................................................................................................ L. sayana Bovallius, 1885

- Head produced into broad, rounded rostrum. Antennae 1; distal articles separate. Pereopod 6; merus with distinct anterior, medial bulge .................................................................................................................... L. galatheae sp. nov.


Published as part of Zeidler, Wolfgang, 2009, A review of the hyperiidean amphipod superfamily Lanceoloidea Bowman & Gruner, 1973 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea), pp. 1-117 in Zootaxa 2000 on pages 11-12


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Lanceola Say, 1818 sec. Zeidler, 2009


  • Vinogradov, M. E. (1964) Hyperiidea Physosomata from the northern part of the Indian Ocean. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Akademiya Nauk SSSR 65, 107 - 151. [In Russian].
  • Vinogradov, M. E. (1970) New data on the amphipods Hyperiidea Physosomata of the northwest part of the Pacific. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Akademiya Nauk SSSR 86: 382 - 400. [In Russian]. English translation: In: Bogorov, V. G. (Ed.) Fauna of the Kurile-Kamchatka Trench and its Environment, pp. 398 - 418. Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, 1972.
  • Vinogradov, M. E. (1957) Hyperiids (Amphipoda) of the Northwest Pacific Ocean. 1. Tribe Hyperiidea Physosomata. Trudy Instituta Okeanologii Akademiya Nauk SSSR 20: 186 - 227. [In Russian]. English translation by American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington D. C., 1959, Marine Biology, 149 - 184.
  • Bovallius, C. (1885) On some forgotten genera among the amphipodous Crustacea. Bihang till Kungliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar 10 (14), 1 - 17, 1 pl.
  • Stebbing, T. R. R. (1888) Report on the Amphipoda collected by H. M. S. ' Challenger' during the years 1873 - 1876. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H. M. S. ' Challenger' during the years 1873 - 76. Zoology 29, i - xxiv & 1 - 1737, pls 1 - 210.