Published May 11, 2009 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Harmothoe oculinarum


Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm, 1879)

(Figs. 5, 27A–I)

Laenilla oculinarum Storm, 1879: 33.

Polynoe oculinarum: Storm (1888): 85.

Harmothoe oculinarum: Levinsen (1884): 289; Bidenkap (1894b): 47; Ditlevsen (1917): 30 [part, only spms. from Trondheimfjord]; Holthe (1977): 12; Loshamn (1980, unpublished thesis): 136, Fig. 66; Fiege & Barnich (in press):

Type material. Probably lost.

Additional material. NE Atlantic: 1spm., SMF 16990, “Johan Ruud” St. 702, Norway, Økssund, Kalvholneset, 68°02.18’N 15°15.67’E, 454 m, 24 September 2002, on Lophelia pertusa, triangular dredge, leg. C. d’Udekem d’Acoz.

(For further material see Fiege & Barnich, in press).

Diagnosis. Anterior pair of eyes dorsolateral at widest part of prostomium. Elytral surface and outer lateral and posterior margin densely covered by short papillae; patch of conical microtubercles present near anterior margin (missing in posterior elytra).

Description (based on additional specimen SMF 16990, since type material probably lost).

Body with 41 segments. At anterior end (Fig. 27A), prostomium bilobed, with distinct cephalic peaks; ceratophore of median antenna in anterior notch, lateral antennae inserted ventrally, styles of antennae papillate, tapering to filiform tip; anterior pair of eyes situated dorsolaterally at widest part of prostomium, posterior pair dorsally near hind margin of prostomium; palps papillate, tapering.

Tentaculophores inserted laterally to prostomium, each with two notochaetae and a dorsal and ventral tentacular cirrus, styles of cirri papillate, tapering to filiform tip. Second segment with first pair of elytra, biramous parapodia, and long buccal cirri. Following segments with tapering, short ventral cirri.

Fifteen pairs of elytra, covering dorsum, on segments 2, 4, 5, 7, then on every second segment to 23, 26, 29, 32; last nine segments cirrigerous; elytral surface and outer lateral and posterior margin densely covered by short papillae; patch of conical microtubercles present near anterior margin (missing in posterior elytra) (Fig. 27B,C). Cirrigerous segments with distinct dorsal tubercles; dorsal cirri with cylindrical cirrophore, style papillate, tapering to filiform tip.

Parapodia biramous; notopodia with elongate acicular lobe; neuropodia with elongate prechaetal acicular lobe with digitiform supra-acicular process; neuropodial postchaetal lobe shorter than prechaetal lobe, rounded; tips of noto- and neuroacicula penetrating epidermis (Fig. 27D). Notochaetae stouter than neurochaetae, with distinct rows of spines and blunt tip (Fig. 27E,F); neurochaetae with distinct rows of spines, mainly bidentate with stout secondary tooth, some lower unidentate (Fig. 27G–I).

Color in life: body and elytra whitish, prostomium and prostomial appendages light pink.

Measurements. Specimen figured, SMF 16990 (Fig. 27A–I): L 26 mm, W 6 mm for 41 segments.

Distribution. Northeast Atlantic: along the Norwegian coast.

Habitat. Associated with cold water corals like Lophelia pertusa; in 50 to 500 m.


Published as part of Barnich, Ruth & Fiege, Dieter, 2009, Revision of the genus Harmothoe Kinberg, 1856 (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) in the Northeast Atlantic, pp. 1-76 in Zootaxa 2104 (1) on page 56, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.2104.1.1,


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Harmothoe oculinarum (Storm, 1879) sec. Barnich & Fiege, 2009


  • Storm, V. (1879) Bidrag til Kundskab om Throndhjemsfjordens Fauna. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter, 1878, 9 - 36.
  • Storm, V. (1888) Direktionens Aarsberetning for 1887. Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter, 1888, 77 - 90.
  • Levinsen, G. M. R. (1884) Systematisk-geografisk oversigt over de nordiske Annulata, Gephyrea, Chaetognathi og Balanoglossi. Videnskabeliga Meddelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Forening i Kjobenhaven, 1883, 92 - 350.
  • Bidenkap, O. (1894 b) Systematisk oversigt over Norges Annulata Polychaeta. Christiania Videnskabs-Selskabs Forhandlinger, 10, 1 - 142.
  • Ditlevsen, H. (1917) Annelids. The Danish Ingolf Expedition, 4 (4), 1 - 71.
  • Holthe, T. (1977) The polychaetous annelids of Trondheimsfjorden, Norway. Gunneria, 29, 1 - 64.
  • Loshamn, A. A. (1980) En systematisk og dyregeografisk Undersokelse over Skjellrygg-Gruppen (Familie Aphroditidae sensu Fauvel 1923). Dissertation. Zoologisk Institutt, Universitete i Oslo, 184 pp. [unpublished].